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Andrew Polinski

Even though this is not close to my favorite of all the Star Trek Series this is probably the best starter as it was mainly made to air in prime time network TV rather than mid-late night syndication fair that the others were made for. I wouldn't recommend like the Original Series as a starter for modern day viewing unless you enjoy more old school Pre-CGI practical effects, so yes good place to start. And of course of note I don't know Klingon, I was never that dedicated.


It's also the last of the Next Generation Era series as far the production of the shows goes. The movies would go on a bit longer.


I'm 12 minutes into the reaction and am shocked you identified 2 SG1 guest stars John Billingsley (1 appearance) and Jolene Blalock (3 appearances I think) under makeup and prosthetics ... but not Jim Beaver... Bobby from Supernatural.. Tsk tsk lol But I look forward to watching the rest of the reaction to see what you think of the show.

Retro Tom

You were close, John Billingsly was Coombs who was Felger's "sidekick" in The Other Guys As for Klingon, I wish I was fluent in it. A few times I have been tempted to buy a English/Klingon dictionary & try to learn the language. The only word I know 100% is qapla (pronounced kuh plah) which means success & is a typical way Klingons say goodbye or just end a conversation

David Brown

"Dr. Phlox" (John Billingsley), who you recognised from Stargate SG-1, is married to "General Beckman" from Chuck. This show is a prequel. It takes place 115 years before The Original Series (Captain Kirk and Spock) and 212 years before TNG (Captain Picard and Data).


I'm excited. Anything in the Star Trek Universe. and yes there are some better than others, but I love the Trekverse.


I remember getting together at a friends house with a bunch of people to watch the premiere. It was the first new Trek show in awhile, and we were excited. Enterprise is special for me in that way.

Richard smith

Very underrated show, much better than any of the current series.