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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ao4zbrnzphtkrxeg5bvfp/Stargate-Atlantis-S01E11-The-Eye-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=xhspyrmow2bctp1od44j4lfd7&dl=0

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1. Froots.. Hey... Keep your fingers crossed for Danny Boy to make his way to Atlantis... However in 8x11 Sam DID tell him that Jack said he wasn't allowed to go with Prometheus unless SG-1 all went (his exact words according to Sam: "Over my dead body") and we can't really be sending our best team to Atlantis right now with the Lego Monsters invading our galaxy now can we? 2. Hammond IS currently still a General... He was promoted to be head of Homeworld Security but still holds his rank ...He TRIED to retire in Lost City but President Hayes wasn't taking no for an answer 3. I don't know if it's MY computer.. YOUR computer ...OR the fact I put 1x10 through Handbrake to edit out the Previous Leon cause it mentioned the Genii ....But I feel like the episode kiiiiiiiiiinda stutters a bit ...I might just be seeing things ...But this is the reason why I don't generally like taking things through Handbrake though ...I potentially fucks up the episode 4. I'm not sure WHY. we went to this new world and asked these people for shelter... I'm SURE. that Atlantis has been sending out teams to discover planets in the Pegasus galaxy and I'm SURE. there has to be at least a few of them that would be safe to chill out on for a few days (or more) ...I mean it's not like Teyla still wears the necklace with the Wraith tracking beacon ....It's just a few days (potentially more if Atlantis would be destroyed) ...I think the Atlantis team kinda screwed themselves by trusting these unknowns 5. Also.... Threatening your new "friends" that they can either help you or be your enemy ...Not the best strategy ....I can understand why these new people would want something in return for their generosity and when threatened would side with the Genii on this one... Notice how the Genii DIDN'T threaten these guys ....We didn't make a great impression here as "the good guys" 6. Bit of a fuckup in this shot.. We see people leaving Atlantis and walking through the gate off camera.. The sound effect of the gate closing can be heard but there's NO WAY those last few people could've made it through to that planet cause that gate either closed on their asses or closed before they even went through ...I'm picturing at least one person still standing in the Gateroom confused as McKay says "That's everybody" ...And that person mumbling: "Aight fuck you then.. I guess I'll unpack my shit" 7. Are they fucking kidding?? I would LOVE. to be in that Puddle Jumper during that storm ....I fucking LOVE. a big storm and sitting inside looking at it.. Hearing the thunder and seeing the lightning... The bigger the storm the more awesome I'd find it ....I'd trade places with ANYONE. on that Jumper in a heartbeat just to experience that ....And before you decide to be a negative nelly ...I think a Puddle Jumper would be the safest spot to be on the mainland 8. So clearly we have another Jumper bay somewhere on Atlantis ...Sheppard just stocked up supplies on a Jumper but the Genii took over the control room / gateroom ...The Jumper bay above that is shown to be only accessable by way of going through the control room first ..Sheppard couldn't have gone up there without being seen 9. Also... The enemy has just invaded Atlantis ...We know daaaaamn well that there's devices on Atlantis that offer a personal shield to anyone with the Ancient gene ...Or am I supposed to believe that the one McKay wore in 1x03 was the ONLY one?? ....And the city is invaded by enemies.. Don't gimme that whole "McKay couldn't get the damn thing off.. It'd be dangerous" excuse ...Again... City... Invaded .....I feel like this'd be the time to take a risk 10. I'mma be real ...Even now... After re-watching 1x10 ...The mention that Sora lost her father kinda baffles me... I was SURE. that the guy who died in the Genii episode was her husband to be ......And yet I continue to think that even though I've seen this episode a bunch of times now 11. Teyla just asked Beckett how long it will be until the storm passes and he says "There's no way to tell" ......Eeeeehmmm.. Bish... You're in a Puddle Jumper... Just sitting there waiting ....Use the Jumper's sensors! ...Dude know where the inertial dampeners are to make the Jumper heavier but completely forgot every Jumper is equipped with a holographic heads up display that shows you all the information you need .....And they've BEEN. argueing that they SHOULD have taken off towards Atlantis ...It's NOT. like the Jumper doesn't function in the storm 12. HA! This fucking Athosian comes out of the Puddle Jumper armed with a fucking slingshot ...That was funny ...The fuck is she gonna do against a small group of Genii wielding guns 13. Whoopsie... 55 Genii soldiers just went splat against the Atlantis Gate iris and will have to respawn and craft an entire new inventory and set of armor and weapons 14. Wow those 2 Genii soldiers are dumb as FUCK. ....Sheppard was 2 to 3 meters away from them and quickly went into a room and you could CLEARLY hear the door shut behind him and they were facing the hallway Sheppard fled out of so not only should they have heard the door, they also SHOULD have seen the door close... Yet these 2 dumbasses just kept on walking 15. Sora... You're a fucking dumbass... You've got your gun aimed at Teyla and you tell her to drop her weapon ...Teyla complies and then YOU put your weapon down to just so you can fight her in hand-to-hand combat?!!? You could've had your revenge but you decided you needed to be extra about it SMH 16. She's like "I'd hate to kill you so quickly" .....Well then fucking shoot her in the foot and work your way up from there! ....Just FYI... NOTHING. against Teyla.. I think she's great ...But the decision Sora made there was fucking stupid 17. Sora shows Teyla a knife: "This was my fathers! ...It was handed down to him from his father!!" ....Me: "Then what are you doing with it??? ...Aaaaawww too soon??" 18. I feel like that giant tsunami would still push Atlantis around... But hey... We got to see the shield in action.. That was pretty cool 19. Yeah all of a sudden Sora is just calm? .....I guess she fought out all her anger against Teyla??? Kinda weird but whatevs 20. We heard some puddle sound effects during the shots of the Genii walking towards the gate with supplies so it's safe to assume they made it out with at least SOME. supplies... It's just not clear what.... Maybe we'll find out... Maybe we won't ....Find out next time ...On Dragonball Z!