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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xxxxjcvhylwideobog2e5/Stargate-Atlantis-S01E10-The-Storm-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=sjrf8rqe4oo5cnk0oymrhbpzo&dl=0

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Ive been waiting for this! Defintely my favorite 2 episodes so far in the show!

Patrick - Excelsior

Yes, I was so proud of Dr. McKay stepping in front of that gun to protect Dr. Weir.


Sora, looks so much like my first wife in this series. The actress does not in other parts. So the Geni episodes always get my juices flowing and this two parter is my favorite of those.


Yes, Hammond is still a general. He is in a new position, the head of Homeworld Security, which puts him in charge of the SGC, Atlantis, the Prometheus and any future ships built, the 302 squadrons, Area 51, and any other programs and facilities having to do with alien technology and defense against alien attacks. You kinda have to put it together, but the information's already there in what you've seen.


I always forget how good these 2 episodes are, watching shepherd go all die hard on the Geni. He alone shoots about 20 then squishes another 60 with the gate shield. listening to those dudes slam against the gate was funny af. Then we have discount Jewel Staite trying to knife fight Teyla and getting her arse kicked and captured. Then to round it off old mate commander koala tries to use Wier as a human shield and still gets shot. All this trouble and the Geni only manged to steal like what 4 crates or something. Still I like having human antagonists, its better than always just aliens but these Geni are some stupid mofos

Jeremy Burch

The Genii won't trust Weir, Sheppard or anyone from Atlantis but they will trust some guy who stares off into the distance, smiling like he has some evil plan. If the Genii would just work with them rather then try to take Atlantis and steal from them, it would work out much better for everyone and they would have allies against the Wraith rather than everyone fighting amongst themselves while the Wraith come along and pick everyone off.