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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/dy9634knpo7jlv17ycyed/Person-Of-Interest-S02E19-Trojan-Horse-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=qnmmgfyfeakkcs7f986whrqvq&dl=0

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Uhg, sorry you were getting spoilery comments. The character stuff made the episode for me; Shaw being back, Fusco being protective of Carter, Chess Master Elias, Bear in general. Finch did help Monica with the job. Looking forward to the rest of the season.


Wait, we are supposed to talk about the episode in the comments ? Oh my I've been doing it all wrong :) whatever shall I do? I hardly ever have anything to say about the episode although occasionally I do about the reacting itself . But those are mostly complaints and you've been spot on perfect lately.


The fear that a foreign power like China would use a technology company under its control to covertly spread spying software/hardware is a real one. Periodically, US politicians make a show of pointing suspicions at specific Chinese companies. Huawei and TikTok have been famous recent targets. In those cases, the suspicions don't seem to be supported by hard evidence, but it's an interesting idea to explore in fiction. One more way that POI holds up a mirror to the real world! A small Easter Egg: the head of Product Development who turned out not to be the spy and was murdered at the end of the episode was called Haskell, which is the name of a specialized programming language, which was named after a (narrowly) influential mathematician. I was wondering if this was a clue that he was going to be innocent all along. Then again, Root uses similar aliases, but is definitely not "innocent". Probably one of the writers just couldn't help inserting an obscure reference. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Never noticed this before until checking the credits now, but the creepy mysterious old guy (whom we've already met a few times) is played by John Nolan, who is Jonathan and Christopher Nolan's uncle! Jonathan is POI's show runner, in case anyone has forgotten.