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So far this season hasn’t been great and we’re not even at the last episode yet, I agree that it’s a waste to have Cobalt blue as a villain when it’s only going to be for one episode. they should’ve had him as the villain for the whole season instead of wasting the episode slots on red death terrible arc and some of these dumb filler episodes except the one with bloodwork that was really good with Oliver and Wally. I’m mad that this show started off good with great writing, amazing villains and great story arcs and it completely goes south real fast, it became more goofy, cheesy and it kept on adding complete nonsense. Ok I will say this when it comes to show they need to plan out their ending so it could end on a good note and show that this will always be in our hearts forever.


For someone who’s been wanting Colbalt blue to happen since season 2 I’m really fucking dissapointed in how we got him , one episode are you kidding me. I miss the season long villains because the 4-8 episode arcs were not enough ! 🤬

Brennon Booth

I totally agree with you. even if you remember how everything started out kind of well the first and second seasons, and then the rest of the seasons are so frankly terrible.


Have you decided what youre gonna do when the arrowverse is finished? Are you gonna be replacing it with other shows or just keep it a free day?


I cant say i didnt enjoy this episode. I understand all of your frustrations and i share alot of them too. I enjoyed this episode but it could have been MUCH MUCH better. I actually really like this storyline but if barry was the focus like in episode 10 then it would have been great. I am just glad they at least gave us 2 episodes of greatness this season to show us why we really love the show in the first place. Im happy to see that you are separating the barry, iris and eddie stuff from the other characters because thats what im doing. I LOVE all the scenes with eddie, barry and iris, even the scenes with Nora i like. I dont mine khione either but the rest of the characters are definitely the weak link.

Brandon Wiesner

This season was largely disappointing. We had 3 episodes that were really good and the rest (so far) have ranged from ok to meh to really bad. And it's the final season. Not just of The Flash but the universe that they built up for over 10 years. S&L will be the sole survivor and it won't have any connections to these shows. It's just so infuriating how everything is turning out. They had an opportunity to make one last, big season to bring all the shows together and have one final huge crossover to properly wrap up Legends, the remaining cast of Arrow and the other shows but no, let's just do a run of the mill season of The Flash with a bunch of filler and the title character will mostly be absent. Well, next week will be it. Hopefully the finale won't disappoint mostly everyone. With the way it is going though, it's just hard to imagine that it will be satisfying.


I heard that the superman and lois showrunner isnt against bringing back characters from the arrowverse but if they do would it be a new version of that character in the universe or would it be from the earth prime universe? None of this is confirmed but i found it interesting but yeah this season has been disappointing minus a few episodes. Maybe they can revive the arrowverse one day. To me grant is the definitive flash. No other actor will ever be as good as him for me It just makes me mad that Eric has shown his potential and still doesnt listen to the fans. If the entire season was like episode 9 and 10 where they would wrap up loose ends, bring back older storylines and characters then it would have been a great sendoff.


Another episode with minimal Barry. Every time the show, called the flash, writes of THE FLASH, I am reminded of a quote from Jurrasic Park: "eventually you do plan to have dinosaurs on your dinosaur tour, right?" Like I understand writing him off around crossovers, because the actor is simply busy filming the crossover. But apparently Grant wasn't happy with how little he had to do in this final arc.

Patrick - Excelsior

That wasn’t what Eddie and Iris’s daughter would look like. I think the reason that the Negative Speed Force made that illusion look like Barry’s daughter is so that when Eddie saw Nora it would make him feel that Barry took something from him. We know this is not true, but to Eddie it might very well feel that way. So I get the speed force doing that. It makes for a better mind trick. So far, the Negative Speed Force has been attacking Team Flash mostly thru lies and manipulations. This is another. Oooo, The Show just got Blue TeeTurtled. Erik Wallace, you have failed this show. 🏹 Yeah, the uneven aging thing in 2049 is weird. Where’s Bart? I will say overall I am enjoying this arc, I just wish is had been the entire season long instead of 4 episodes.


Yes, bi-racial people with dark skin and blond hair are a thing. I've heard of many stories of Japan of them being harassed and forced to die their hair black because people won't believe that it's their natural color. Can happen with black/white biracial people as well. There's also a group of people from Solomon Island who have blond hair but have no European blood at all. Geneticists are going nuts about that. As for Eddie's daughter looking exactly like Barry's, that isn't Eddie's daughter. That's an image the Negative Speed Force is using to lure him to its side. Using her image is driving home its claim that Barry stole his life and family. If Eddie did have a daughter, she probably would look nothing like that.


Season 9 feels like a penultimate season setting up the next rather than a final one. The whole cobalt blue stuff feels randomly tacked on and it has nothing to do with the rest of the season.


One more Cecile story for the road let's go! Totally what everyone wants. Better than spending more time with Cobalt.


This episode and the last one are why I kept my expectations and hopes for this season low. I got the night in 2000 and more Barry & Iris. With that being said, it's honestly laughable to watch the choices the writers make each episode. Eric Wallace has talked about how he wanted to continue the show past season 9. This season partially feels like his revenge for not getting another season. Candice said in an interview that whether the show continued or not, she was going to leave the show after season 9. She was relieved Grant was also on the same page about ending the show. One thing this show is going to consistent about is disrespecting Iris. 2049 Iris is looking 60/70 years old, while Cecile is looking her 2023 self, which I presume is about 50 years old. I honestly would not be surprised if Eric Wallace's thought process is Cecile's powers keep her looking young. Speaking of Cecile, she's really become the Felicity (Arrow season 4) of The Flash. How is it that she gets a costume and hero name before Allegra? At least Allegra doesn't need multiple power ups during a season to make her appear competent in the field. Sometimes original characters can take off and be used in other iterations. For example, I believe Diggle made it into some Green Arrow comics. The key is you have to make the characters likeable. That's what Eric Wallace is missing. Diggle didn't take away from Oliver. Giving Cecile time over Barry makes no sense. This Eddie storyline is so forced. He should've been brought back during the premiere and over the course of the season transformed into the villain. Instead, the writers are relying on his romance with Iris to turn him evil. Yes, that can be part of it; however, I'd assume the part about him dying for no reason should be the main factor. Eddie died thinking he was the hero. Instead, Thawne came back multiple times and no one knew what happened to Eddie. He didn't even get a hero legacy because it was covered up.


For extra context, the reason grant was barely in these last few episode’s was, because while the were filming those episodes Grant Gustin got COVID and since they were in a tight schedule they couldn’t wait for him to get better.


1. YEAH!?? In what reality does ripping the side off of a circus tent and sowing it into a costume constitute as a good design!?!? ....I mean... First of all... It's Allegra and she doesn't fucking need a costume ....But second... Chesters pitiful attempt at creating one was pathetic and if they went for a joke rehash then they didn't stick the landing ....This was fucking lame ....Who do I email about getting this wasted time back that was stolen from me? 2. Yeeeeaaahhh... Who the hell are Nora and Henry Allen trying to be?? Pa and Ma Kent!?! .....Look I GET. that they are Barry's parents ...But they are coming across as waaaaaaay too trusting of this random guy they met a couple hours ago 3. Ok this scene is already pretty weird ..Barry and Thawne are having a beer? ...Barry: "Tell me what you want" ...Me ...Sitting here adding to the weirdness: "What you really really want" Thawne: "I'll tell you what I want what I really really want" Barry: "So tell me what you want what you really really want" .........Well you get the point ..Thawne wants Barry dead 4. You bring up a good question Froots... Both Nora AND Henry are at work ...Who is looking after Young Barry?? ....And also... How close do they live?? Cause Nora's got places to be 5. Jeebus... Imagine being one of Barry's parents neighbours and hearing this dude in a fucking yellow cosplay looking outfit screaming his lungs out at 2 in the morning ...DUDE! Shut the fuck up! Some of us have work in the morning! .....I say imagine ...Cause yours and my sleeping patterns are all kindsa non-existent 6. Ok I'm no expert in the field of biology and plants and all that kinda stuff.... But I'mma hazard a guess that plant cells and human bodies don't mix like that ...A few episode Khione froze Team Flash (which would've killed them) and now she's turned Iris's staff into walking talking houseplants .....Whoever advises the writing team about science needs to lay off the weed and not get their information off of wiki 7. Khione: "I can only expell the unnatural from people.. And the cobalt isotope is part of the natural order" ...You: "How?" ....I mean didn't you know Froots? ...Everyone is at least .3% made out of cobalt ....Science Fact!! ...According to a user by the name of 3Wallace420 on reddit 8. Yeah.. How the fuck is Cecile so good at stating the obvious but she can't read that Mark has left the building and Cobalt Blue is in cruise control of his body? Bish just went outside the vault and got taken out easy peasy lemon squeezy... I thought she was supposedly OP as fuck? 7. Well this is fucking bullshit... I just spend a solid 10 minutes trynna find a good clip of Eddie Thawne dying just so I could either prove or disprove whether you were right about Eddie's body being pulled into that portal only for me to press play and it actually being shown on screen .....I just pulled a Shannan ...(for personal reference: remember? minutes of you calculating how much time Stefan had hung out with Klaus only for it to be told the moment you pressed play) 8. I dunno how I feel about your opinion about having Mark stay dead ...Keep in mind that Cobalt Blue got taken out of him when he died.. Sure ...However by killing Mark (and having him remain dead) it would NOT. have meant Cobalt Blue was defeated ...Mark's death would have been completely pointless ....Khione didn't give a shit about killing him and given the limited amount of episodes left I doubt we'd have much time to go into a grieving storyline of her killing him THINKING she could bring him back ...It would have been a pointless end to a character that's slightly better than the rest of these side characters .....Hopefully they actually kill off some other characters still though (I doubt they will) 9. Yeah it's 2049... 26 years from now and they're not even attempting one bit to make the actors look like they're older ...I don't even notice the grey streaks ...But worse ...If Cecile is just as old as Danielle Nicolet then that means by 2049 she'd be 75 years old ...Am I supposed to believe a 75 year old would look like she does?? Move around like she does?? Get the fuck outta here with that shit ...And Iris is 56 and looks older than Cecile?? Suuuuureee ....added much later... I refuse to believe your math at the end of 9x12 ...Cecile is sooooo NOT. 5 years older than Iris ...She doesn't look THAT. young ..You were being MUCH too generous there 10. Also... Cecile's mask ain't doing SHIT. to hide her identity .......And yes... It took Chester... 26! FUCKING! YEARS! ...To make a suit for Cecile and yet his wife (apparently him and Allegra got married) STILL. doesn't have one! That's priceless! 11. Oh look.. The Flash museum has footage of old episodes of the show ...All that's missing is the CW logo 12. Yeeeeeaaaahh... To have JPK portray Eddie's daughter is an odd choice ...Why would his and Iris's daughter look exactly the same as Barry and Iris's daughter (with the addition of short blonde hair UGH)... That's just stupid in so many ways .....I get that people are trynna defend it as drawing comparisons or whatever but all it is is just the show runners being cheap 13. You: "How would Barry be in outer space?" They said Barry was on the Watchtower Froots ....Another cheap way to write Barry out of the episode I suppose since the Watchtower is in orbit around the moon... Even though it'd take Barry a trip through a portal just to come back ...But whatever 14. Come the fuck on.... AS. IF. anyone would be dumb enough!! ...Nora just took her mask off in front of Eddie and he's basically like "You're the girl I saw claiming to be my daughter 2 seconds before you showed up" ....Nah.. FUCKING... DUH! 15. Wait what??? This show ISN'T called The Cecile?!!? I am shooketh ...I think I might've accidentally ended up in an alternate timeline 16. I'm looking at Barry and "Nora" running through the city and I can't believe it took me 9 whole seasons to realise that there's never any people around in these VFX shots ...Just cars and buildings ...The streets of Central City look empty as FUCK. 17. Cecile punches the Negative Speedforce out of Nora .....Me: "What is this? Doctor Strange?" ...You a second later: "What is this? Doctor Strange?" .......Same person Froots ...Same person 18. Barry: "Cecile?" ...Cecile: "Actually.. Call me Virtue" ...Me and you (again): "Why??" ....Like.. Where did this all of a sudden come from?? Who thought it was a good idea to all of a sudden give Cecile a superhero name in the penultimate episode??? What's the fucking point!? 19. HA! The way Eddie walked away after threatening Iris was pretty fucking funny ...I don't know why the actor acted it out in that way but it just came off looking stupid as fuck ...It just kinda looked like he forgot where he came in or something and then realised and was like "Ah right.. There's the door" 20. Wait wait wait... Hold on.. Allegra of all people just made a good point... Why aren't the people in 2049 remembering the attacks ....Barry is like "Because they're happening at the same time in the past, 2023 and here" .......Dude... That's NOT. how time works ...People past the time of the attack WOULD. remember the attack ....Look... I'm not gonna pretend I'm an expert when it comes to temporal mechanics or whatever ...But come on... Even an idiot can tell that Barry's explanation doesn't make any goddamn sense 21. Why did they just play some sort of like.. I dunno.. Almost romantic sounding rendition of The Blues or whatever the song is called during the scene where Eddie is talking to the blue crystal?? ....That was weird as FUCK. .....I almost expected Eddie to end up making out with the crystal or some shit ....Perhaps we'd see some future shots of him getting married to it.. Them having little baby crystals ....Like ...Dude... Wrong fucking song choice! 22. You: "Weird that they just gave Sarah Jessica Parker a blond wig and were like that could be our daughter" ......You noticed how you fucked up there Froots?? There's no way SJP could pull off looking like Barry and Iris's daughter ...More like their oma ------- And now it's time Froots, it'll be a while before we'll get to watch more Arrowverse. Who knows how long the strike will keep S&L off the air. Maybe if you go fast enough you'll open up a breach to the future and you'll be able to tell me. Now.. Run Froots, Run!