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OFCOURSE. it was the ONE. girl who wasn't friends with Naomi who messed with that guy's mannequin or whatever ...She was the only character who could have done it For S.T.A.R. Labs ...The only thing that looked futuristic about the place was the area where Kristin Wiggs döppleganger was working ...The rest of the place looked like it came out of The Stanley Parable ...Lame Zumbado NOT. being evil ...Yeah that was pretty obvious... However I looked this up a long time ago ...And I'm fairly certain that in the comics he's the main bad guy ...Like not a misunderstood one ..No.. I'm talking THE. main bad guy of the Naomi comics ...Arrowverse writers making more changes?? You got confused whether they were eating pie or pizza since one of them called it pizza while another called it pie... Pie is slang for Pizza you doof ..How am I the one who is not English.. Yet I know this shit and you don't? Zumbado is like "Your parents were 2 of the 29" ...Yeah this brings back a memory ...In the comics he was the one hunting Naomi NOT. protecting her like he says here.. He wasn't good AT. ALL. ...He was the ruler of his planet and a pretty evil one ...They're fucking with the established canon again ....Unless ofcourse dude is being REALLY good at convincing us he's actually a good guy That said though.. I kinda look forward to seeing more ...This show ISN'T as bad as people make it out to be (if you take away all the useless friend bullshit)