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I wont see you read my comment to this episode for a little while because i just started this show days ago with your reactions and im already on the last 2 episodes of season 3 but i wanted to say thank you for reacting to this show and basically introducing it to me. I have seen you react to this show for many months now or maybe even a year or two but ive always avoided it thinking it was like a very old show like star trek (Which i was never interested in) but when i realized it was late 90s, i decided to watch the show with you and Im addicted. I watch on average 10 episodes a day, give or take a few. I just cant stop. I really do hope a new stargate series gets made so i dont feel empty when i finish the franchise 😅 I have no self control so i managed to accidentally spoil myself on many things in the future but thats ok, im enjoying it with you and i just wanted to let you know that i have a new favorite show because of you. I actually discovered ALOT of my favorite shows through you. I wont see you read my comment until i catch up but i hope its ok that i left this message. Even if its not relevant to this episode or season. Thank You!!

Patrick - Excelsior

When the Russian had the line about an old Russian saying, I said the same thing as you. "Join the SGC and die" 😂 Great minds. Its a good thing I'm not a member of the SGC. When Teal'c Zatted Daniel and he didn't go down, my first thought was shoot him again. Completely forgetting 2 shots from a Zat kills.

Retro Tom

To answer your question, Anubis can't be killed since he exists as energy, there is nothing to kill or be destroyed. He can be contained though. By sending him to that frozen planet Col. Vaselov died so Anubis has no human host or physical shell to push the button on the DHD. His only way off that planet is to fly away or activate the gate with ascended abilities like we've seen Oma & Shifu (Sha're's son) do which would risk getting the Ancients attention & make them take action against him so he is left stuck there


The goa'uld are like Marvel super villains they're never really dead. Just accept it. And for the record, the Russian 'join the SGC and die' joke made me laugh. And lastly because you mentioned it and I never do say it, I'm trapped in this bed 24 hours a day and you make a difference to my quality of life. Thank you for that.


I went through the same phase when I randomly decided to watch this show many many years ago. Just got hooked onto it because it's not based on being in the future, but the present which provided some form of familiarity and really get more and more interesting as you see them learn and grow


Exactly! Seeing them in the present (or now the past) is just much better in my opinion. It helps us relate much more to the characters, stories and the world.


1. Your made-up canon reasoning for Teal'c all of a sudden having hair cause he no longer has a symbiote has a major plothole (salutes) ....IF... According to your reasoning it's the symbiote that prevents a Jaffa from growing hair ....How do you then explain EVERY other Jaffa???? Are they all wearing wigs? ...Yeah that's right ...Get wrecked 2. You about the beginning of the episode: "I'm surprised there wasn't any subtitles there" Dammit!... Missed an opportunity to add "Russian" subtitles for the astronauts ........And HOLY SHIT there was a LOT of opportunity to add stuff ...Man this sucks.. That could've been FUN. to edit in 3. You: "I have no idea what's going on" ....HA! Luckily our boy Daniel comes in clutch with the Russian translation! Thanks mah dude! 4. Yup... It seems Teal'c might be getting his very own place ....Kinda odd ...You'd think he'd move to Chulak like he said he would 5. Same Froots... I fucking HATE mashed potatoes ...I can't eat it without gagging 6. You: "Are we gonna get a new doctor?! I just wanna know! TELL ME!" ...I'mma cut this out of the edit FOR SURE. ...Stupid people will try to answer stupid questions like this IN DETAIL Froots which makes keeping you safe that much more difficult for me ...You should know better ...The answer to your question is yes but that's ALL. you get to know until the time comes. 7. Also... What kinda question is that?? Are we gonna get a new doctor?? ...What were you expecting?? ...Like the answer is gonna be... Nah bish... Next time Carter, Teal'c and Daniel suffer serious injuries they're just gonna put a Hello Kitty band-aid on the bish and be told to walk it off??? ...Or that they're gonna have Siler on stand-by in the gateroom with a bottle of SM33?? 8. You asked if the SGC goes into lockdown how do we contact off-world teams if they're in lockdown... You asked this the second after O'neill ordered the lockdown.. RIGHT AFTER he told the guy at the dialing computer to contact the off-world teams and tell them to go to the Alpha Site until further notice ...You must've had an airhead moment cause that completely flew by your head I guess 9. I can't get onboard with the Russian joke Froots ...I can name at least 3 Russians who are still very much alive and have all either BEEN to the SGC or at the very least travelled through the gate when it was still in Russia 10. I imagine Anubis knew how to hack the SGC since he was possessing Carter and perhaps was able to access her knowledge ...Or perhaps Anubis is just smart like that ....What I'm wondering is is why is he leaving bodies everywhere?? Why not just double tap that Duck Gun on everyone he downs? Less resistance later on ....Dude is being a very considerate black cloud body snatching bad guy