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Jordan's hoodie and goggles that his grandfather gives him are yet another comic reference. They are Superman's first costume from a comic book that retells his origins. Not sure which as I only heard of from an article that pointed this out, but that's definitely where the design comes from.

Brandon Wiesner

Clark showing up at the diner was truly awesome. Of course the part about him taking care of Candace's dad was great but the other part of it was that it was a subtle nod to Superman II, where he shows up back at the diner after getting his powers back and handling the bully. So as of today, we still don't have word on whether the show is being renewed or not and it's getting really annoying. They've been saying for weeks that the news was coming "very soon." Maybe by the time you are reading these comments in your next reaction, we will know. Here's hoping for that, as well as it being good news.

SWTobito (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-03 08:36:02 The diner scene with Clark may very well be my favorite Clark moment of the entire show. Angry Superman is one thing but "angry dad" Clark Kent is on a whole different level of intimidating. The delivery of "I will come for you" is just chef's kiss. Seeing people realize that the kind dorky Clark Kent does not mess around when it comes to his family was so satisfying. Candice's interaction with Clark and the rest of the family after the diner scene is also so sweet. You can tell how much she cares for Jon. Alot of more comedic bits from the Kent family this episode, which I feel was definitly needed after the last two episodes were pretty heavy. I gotta say, I am really enjoying Kyle this season. He really evolved as a character and has basically become the voice of reason between Sarah and Lana. Also his reaction to Lana telling him what Sarah said makes me chuckle, I don't know why. Overall I once again really enjoyed this episode. Superman & Lois is really giving us one good episode after another and I am here for it.
2023-06-03 06:24:01 The diner scene with Clark may very well be my favorite Clark moment of the entire show. Angry Superman is one thing but "angry dad" Clark Kent is on a whole different level of intimidating. The delivery of "I will come for you" is just chef's kiss. Seeing people realize that the kind dorky Clark Kent does not mess around when it comes to his family was so satisfying. Candice's interaction with Clark and the rest of the family after the diner scene is also so sweet. You can tell how much she cares for Jon. Alot of more comedic bits from the Kent family this episode, which I feel was definitly needed after the last two episodes were pretty heavy. I gotta say, I am really enjoying Kyle this season. He really evolved as a character and has basically become the voice of reason between Sarah and Lana. Also his reaction to Lana telling him what Sarah said makes me chuckle, I don't know why. Overall I once again really enjoyed this episode. Superman & Lois is really giving us one good episode after another and I am here for it.

The diner scene with Clark may very well be my favorite Clark moment of the entire show. Angry Superman is one thing but "angry dad" Clark Kent is on a whole different level of intimidating. The delivery of "I will come for you" is just chef's kiss. Seeing people realize that the kind dorky Clark Kent does not mess around when it comes to his family was so satisfying. Candice's interaction with Clark and the rest of the family after the diner scene is also so sweet. You can tell how much she cares for Jon. Alot of more comedic bits from the Kent family this episode, which I feel was definitly needed after the last two episodes were pretty heavy. I gotta say, I am really enjoying Kyle this season. He really evolved as a character and has basically become the voice of reason between Sarah and Lana. Also his reaction to Lana telling him what Sarah said makes me chuckle, I don't know why. Overall I once again really enjoyed this episode. Superman & Lois is really giving us one good episode after another and I am here for it.

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-07 05:56:00 1. Hoooooooold up... You: "This is why I keep telling you to keep the light hearted stuff until last" ....Eeeehmm... Bish... You did NOT. just say that ...That has been MY advice to YOU on a BUNCH of occassions ...Look at this little shit ...Trynna copyright my advice ...Nah bish ....But ...Side note ...Did I follow my own advice?? Nah.. I'm watching Superman & Lois last 2. The thing I can't accept about this cancer story ...Clark just said Lara told him there's nothing she can do about Lois's cancer ...You mean to tell me that a civilization as advanced as the Kryptonians don't have a cure for cancer???? You gotta be fucking kidding with that shit 3. Why the hell is Lana so uppity about not telling Kyle that John helped install some security... She's acting like it would be a big deal to tell him.. Which it's not... But the fact she's getting angry about it MAKES it a big deal ...And then she goes off at Sarah for it too ...If Lana would've just been chill about it then there'd be no drama ...I hope that makes sense ...This just CLEARLY gives off a vibe that Lana has an interest in John ...Which ...Y'know... Good for her I guess ...But there was no need for all this drama 4. Yeah why the hell was Jonathan in there when the gas went off?? We see him inhaling and exhaling a bunch of times before he moves on but he was clearly already in the thick of it ...He should've had issues breathing regardless ....But also he could've just waited for Jordan and Natalie to take out the bad guys before getting his truck back ....This was kind of a weird scene ...The Jordan / Natalie team-up was good ...But Jonathan just shouldn't have been there until it was clear 5. Can't say I agree Froots... I think Chrissy's hair is too short ...I don't like it 6. Yeah how does Candice know Jonathans truck was stolen by her dad when it's right fucking there!? I mean sure she found the watch or whatever ...But how does that mean her dad also stole Jonathans truck?? They needed to write this scene better cause she couldn't have made that connection that easily 7. You.. Seeing the forest fire: "What is this? Wolf Pack??" HA! I was thinking the same thing... Apparently they STILL haven't contained the fire and need our boy Supes to come in and handle shit ...OOOHH!!! And Jordan is there too!?!? LET'S GO!!! 8. Did Clark just suggest binging Alien Ancestors??? I'm taking that's the shows spin on Ancient Aliens ...The theory that aliens shaped the history of mankind ...I'd binge that show with him ..It's got some great theories ..Way more believable than anything involving an invisible all powerful man in the sky 9. Meanwhile Lois suggest binging Forensic Confessions ....I'mma guess that's the shows version of True Crime ...Hard pass 10. PAUSE... Ok Opa... Slow down... You're not taking your grandkid to the hairdressers and be like "You're getting your hair cut" ...I feel like that's NOT your decisions to make old man ...How about instead you put some of that D.O.D. budget to good use and give Jordan a good disguise ...PLAY... You: "Could use a costume" HA! The timing! 11. Daaaamn... Had Lois.. Clark AND John stepping up ...THIS. is how you handle shit! Reminded me of something my dad did once when someone threatened my sis ...The lengths one goes to for the ones you love ...Again ...THIS. is how you handle shit! 12. As kind as that was for Lois to offer Candice to stay with them ...I'm not sure if that's legal ...I mean... Good for them to give her shelter from her dad ...But isn't that like basically kidnapping or whatever? 13. "It's not ok for you to talk to your elders like that" ....Bish what!?!? Dude told Jordan to go in and get a haircut! ....That's not ok ...He doesn't get to......... Say what now!?! ...Jordan HAS to get a haircut!???? Nah bish 14. Opa Lane "I gotta be honest.. What you said really hurt my feelings" Oh boo fucking hoo dude! Jordan was riiigh........ A SUIT!!!!!! DUDE HAS A SUIT!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!11!!1!!!
2023-06-06 18:09:32 1. Hoooooooold up... You: "This is why I keep telling you to keep the light hearted stuff until last" ....Eeeehmm... Bish... You did NOT. just say that ...That has been MY advice to YOU on a BUNCH of occassions ...Look at this little shit ...Trynna copyright my advice ...Nah bish ....But ...Side note ...Did I follow my own advice?? Nah.. I'm watching Superman & Lois last 2. The thing I can't accept about this cancer story ...Clark just said Lara told him there's nothing she can do about Lois's cancer ...You mean to tell me that a civilization as advanced as the Kryptonians don't have a cure for cancer???? You gotta be fucking kidding with that shit 3. Why the hell is Lana so uppity about not telling Kyle that John helped install some security... She's acting like it would be a big deal to tell him.. Which it's not... But the fact she's getting angry about it MAKES it a big deal ...And then she goes off at Sarah for it too ...If Lana would've just been chill about it then there'd be no drama ...I hope that makes sense ...This just CLEARLY gives off a vibe that Lana has an interest in John ...Which ...Y'know... Good for her I guess ...But there was no need for all this drama 4. Yeah why the hell was Jonathan in there when the gas went off?? We see him inhaling and exhaling a bunch of times before he moves on but he was clearly already in the thick of it ...He should've had issues breathing regardless ....But also he could've just waited for Jordan and Natalie to take out the bad guys before getting his truck back ....This was kind of a weird scene ...The Jordan / Natalie team-up was good ...But Jonathan just shouldn't have been there until it was clear 5. Can't say I agree Froots... I think Chrissy's hair is too short ...I don't like it 6. Yeah how does Candice know Jonathans truck was stolen by her dad when it's right fucking there!? I mean sure she found the watch or whatever ...But how does that mean her dad also stole Jonathans truck?? They needed to write this scene better cause she couldn't have made that connection that easily 7. You.. Seeing the forest fire: "What is this? Wolf Pack??" HA! I was thinking the same thing... Apparently they STILL haven't contained the fire and need our boy Supes to come in and handle shit ...OOOHH!!! And Jordan is there too!?!? LET'S GO!!! 8. Did Clark just suggest binging Alien Ancestors??? I'm taking that's the shows spin on Ancient Aliens ...The theory that aliens shaped the history of mankind ...I'd binge that show with him ..It's got some great theories ..Way more believable than anything involving an invisible all powerful man in the sky 9. Meanwhile Lois suggest binging Forensic Confessions ....I'mma guess that's the shows version of True Crime ...Hard pass 10. PAUSE... Ok Opa... Slow down... You're not taking your grandkid to the hairdressers and be like "You're getting your hair cut" ...I feel like that's NOT your decisions to make old man ...How about instead you put some of that D.O.D. budget to good use and give Jordan a good disguise ...PLAY... You: "Could use a costume" HA! The timing! 11. Daaaamn... Had Lois.. Clark AND John stepping up ...THIS. is how you handle shit! Reminded me of something my dad did once when someone threatened my sis ...The lengths one goes to for the ones you love ...Again ...THIS. is how you handle shit! 12. As kind as that was for Lois to offer Candice to stay with them ...I'm not sure if that's legal ...I mean... Good for them to give her shelter from her dad ...But isn't that like basically kidnapping or whatever? 13. "It's not ok for you to talk to your elders like that" ....Bish what!?!? Dude told Jordan to go in and get a haircut! ....That's not ok ...He doesn't get to......... Say what now!?! ...Jordan HAS to get a haircut!???? Nah bish 14. Opa Lane "I gotta be honest.. What you said really hurt my feelings" Oh boo fucking hoo dude! Jordan was riiigh........ A SUIT!!!!!! DUDE HAS A SUIT!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!11!!1!!!

1. Hoooooooold up... You: "This is why I keep telling you to keep the light hearted stuff until last" ....Eeeehmm... Bish... You did NOT. just say that ...That has been MY advice to YOU on a BUNCH of occassions ...Look at this little shit ...Trynna copyright my advice ...Nah bish ....But ...Side note ...Did I follow my own advice?? Nah.. I'm watching Superman & Lois last 2. The thing I can't accept about this cancer story ...Clark just said Lara told him there's nothing she can do about Lois's cancer ...You mean to tell me that a civilization as advanced as the Kryptonians don't have a cure for cancer???? You gotta be fucking kidding with that shit 3. Why the hell is Lana so uppity about not telling Kyle that John helped install some security... She's acting like it would be a big deal to tell him.. Which it's not... But the fact she's getting angry about it MAKES it a big deal ...And then she goes off at Sarah for it too ...If Lana would've just been chill about it then there'd be no drama ...I hope that makes sense ...This just CLEARLY gives off a vibe that Lana has an interest in John ...Which ...Y'know... Good for her I guess ...But there was no need for all this drama 4. Yeah why the hell was Jonathan in there when the gas went off?? We see him inhaling and exhaling a bunch of times before he moves on but he was clearly already in the thick of it ...He should've had issues breathing regardless ....But also he could've just waited for Jordan and Natalie to take out the bad guys before getting his truck back ....This was kind of a weird scene ...The Jordan / Natalie team-up was good ...But Jonathan just shouldn't have been there until it was clear 5. Can't say I agree Froots... I think Chrissy's hair is too short ...I don't like it 6. Yeah how does Candice know Jonathans truck was stolen by her dad when it's right fucking there!? I mean sure she found the watch or whatever ...But how does that mean her dad also stole Jonathans truck?? They needed to write this scene better cause she couldn't have made that connection that easily 7. You.. Seeing the forest fire: "What is this? Wolf Pack??" HA! I was thinking the same thing... Apparently they STILL haven't contained the fire and need our boy Supes to come in and handle shit ...OOOHH!!! And Jordan is there too!?!? LET'S GO!!! 8. Did Clark just suggest binging Alien Ancestors??? I'm taking that's the shows spin on Ancient Aliens ...The theory that aliens shaped the history of mankind ...I'd binge that show with him ..It's got some great theories ..Way more believable than anything involving an invisible all powerful man in the sky 9. Meanwhile Lois suggest binging Forensic Confessions ....I'mma guess that's the shows version of True Crime ...Hard pass 10. PAUSE... Ok Opa... Slow down... You're not taking your grandkid to the hairdressers and be like "You're getting your hair cut" ...I feel like that's NOT your decisions to make old man ...How about instead you put some of that D.O.D. budget to good use and give Jordan a good disguise ...PLAY... You: "Could use a costume" HA! The timing! 11. Daaaamn... Had Lois.. Clark AND John stepping up ...THIS. is how you handle shit! Reminded me of something my dad did once when someone threatened my sis ...The lengths one goes to for the ones you love ...Again ...THIS. is how you handle shit! 12. As kind as that was for Lois to offer Candice to stay with them ...I'm not sure if that's legal ...I mean... Good for them to give her shelter from her dad ...But isn't that like basically kidnapping or whatever? 13. "It's not ok for you to talk to your elders like that" ....Bish what!?!? Dude told Jordan to go in and get a haircut! ....That's not ok ...He doesn't get to......... Say what now!?! ...Jordan HAS to get a haircut!???? Nah bish 14. Opa Lane "I gotta be honest.. What you said really hurt my feelings" Oh boo fucking hoo dude! Jordan was riiigh........ A SUIT!!!!!! DUDE HAS A SUIT!!!!!! FUCK YEAH!11!!1!!!


Superman and Lois has been renewed for season 4. Yay! Its budget is being slashed and it's getting 2 fewer episodes. Boo! To be fair Stargirl's budget got severaly reduced after Season 1 and seasons 2 and 3 were still fantastic, so let's hope that happens again here!