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feels like its been a long time since O'neill could finish a speech lol

Patrick - Excelsior

There are 4 ranks of General in Air Force. The more stars the higher the rank. 1 Star - Brigadier General 2 Star - Major General 3 Star - Lieutenant General 4 Star - General Fifth made himself his own Carter. A slippery slimy naked one. Maybe a little jealous. Because of her brilliant mind of course, that's why I would want one, really. Hmmm, instead of an LMD, she's an LMC ... a Lego Monster Carter.

Jennifer Hickman

Some one beat me to explaining the military ranks lol. Fun fact, due to RDA's portrayal of O'Neill, the Air Force made him an Honorary Brigadier General.

Retro Tom

One of the reasons they made Jack a General was it was getting tough & obvious that they were writing around Anderson's lighter schedule, so this year they tried a new shooting schedule where they would shoot 3 or 4 episodes together in one block, so all of the SGC set scenes for multiple episodes & making him a General means most of his scenes will be there & it was a way to compensate for his lack of shooting time without having to come up with reasons to write him out of episodes Plus in universe it would make sense that despite his history of insubordination he would be due a promotion given how many times he saved or contributed to saving the planet


damn I got my speeches mixed up when I quipped I was a man of few words...


Once again the Ancient knowledge comes in handy as we now have a proper way to fight the replicators. Thor did say something interesting though. He stated that Asgard scientists have been studying the Ancient knowledge for a long time and even to them they have barely scratched the surface. Suggesting the information gap between the Asgard and the Ancients is quite significant. However, it's important to note that all the Ancient knowledge stored in these "Repository of knowledge" devices only contain the knowledge of the Ancients up until that point. Any new information after that would not be found in these devices. This also means anything the Ancients learnt when they eventually Ascended would not be stored in these devices as well.


5 seasons later and our girl Sam gets another promotion! I remember back in season 3 when Jack got "fired/retired", the discussion of who would be the new leader of SG-1 was brought up. Sam seemed like the obvious choice however General Hammond did not select her because she was still a Major at the time. Now that she's a Colonel, she can be selected as the new commander of SG-1

David Brown

Ferretti and Coburn were Majors when each of them were put in command of SG-2.


Yes however since SG-1 is considered the "flagship unit", a higher rank was required. At least that was General Hammond's logic at the time.


Now that you've seen the first two episodes of Atlantis, I can answer your question about what makes Jack so special that he can use the Ancient Repository and resist it's effects for so long. They explained in the Atlantis pilot that some people are genetically similar to the Ancients, possessing the ATA (Ancient Technology Activation) gene which allows them to use technology like the weapons platform control chair, which O'Neil used to defeat Anubis. I therefore assume that it's that gene, that is responsible for making his brain similar enough to an ancients to survive for a time with the Ancient Repository. Presumably Shepherd could do the same thing. This is at least partially a fan theory, but seems pretty solid to me.


1. In response to Pat.. Ehm.... Dude? ...That wasn't Peter DeLuise in the elevator with O'neill in 7x21 ...It was Martin Wood 2. By the time you read this note you will hopefully have figured out the answer to your question ...Or at least this is how I interpret it ...You asked "How is O'neills brain different from others" when it comes to the alien headsucking device ....My interpretation is that since O'neill was able to using the Ancient chair and since we now know that it takes a certain gene to use Ancient technology (Sheppard and Dr. Beckett being able to use stuff on Atlantis) ....It's not really O'neills brains that makes him special ...It's the gene ....But again ...That's my interpretation on it 3. I have mixed feelings on winning a walk-on role for a show ....While I would have LOVED. to have seen the SGC or the Atlantis gateroom in real life ...It's a set ...And the actors are just people like you and me ....I think it would've broken my immersion ...I'd still probably jump at the opportunity though ...But those walk-on roles were usually only reserved for people in the U.S so it wouldn't have mattered 4. Siiiiiiince you've seen the Atlantis pilot now ...And just in case I forgot it in my notes for the pilot ....You just mentioned the remote in the Ark Mod .....Do you see now how it's NOT. a remote? ....On Atlantis it's actually the Life Signs Detector 5. The actress originally playing Weir obviously got recast ...The reasons aren't ENTIIIIIRELY known ...But from an interview that the former actress did at some point it might have something to do with the fact she felt like she asked too many questions during the shooting of 7x21 and 7x22 ....In her defense ...She went into the role by not doing too much research on Stargate since Weir was a character who got thrown into the Stargate program without knowing anything about it ...The actress felt this was a good way to try to act out her character's cluelessness (is that a word) about everything Stargate related ....It might be due to that the role went to someone else ...Plus apparently the original actress is also quite busy in her off time with some type of annual event ...It would have made her appearance on Atlantis less likely I think .......That said ....In my opinion the new Weir is the better version ...But we only saw the other one for 2 episodes 6. Yup... I DID. edit it... Let me again remind you Froots ....I don't half ass shit... This is ME. we're talking about ...EVERY intro from here until the END. of the verse ...I got you covered ...You are free to look at the intros of the Seasons opening episodes ...IF.. You ended up looking at the intro for 8x02 ...You'd notice that we now have a shot of the Battle Of Antarctica in the intro for Season 8 ...And also a shot of Teal'c with hair from 8x02 7. HA! It took you the better part of a minute to notice Teal'c has hair now ...Great observation skills Froots ...In-Canon reason is that Teal'c has been living on Earth for long enough he perhaps decided it was time for a change ....Reality is that Chris Judge asked for this for a long time ...Apparently shaving his head was painful 8. Yeah not sure was Pete brought to the show ...Dude has barely been mentioned ...The fact HE got told about the Stargate Program just seems odd when you think about it ...It was purely done out of a place where Sam could have a relationship 9. As for Teal'cs hair not being mentioned by Sam and Daniel ...You have to understand that 8x01 starts a while after the end of 7x22 ...We can assume that over that time THEY have already spoken to him about the change ...It'd be an unusual conversation for them to have so long after ....But once O'neill saw the change.. He actually mentions it since he had not seen Teal'c until now ...Which makes perfect sense ....To have Sam and Daniel mention it is just fan-service for the sake of pointing it out ...To have O'neill mention it is more logical to indicate time progression within the show 10. I do believe you're right Froots ...The SGC seems to have upgraded to LCD screens ....Crappy looking ones ...But still 11. Anubis didn't destroy all the System Lords ...He killed a great deal of them I'm sure ...But he mostly just took over their armies and made the System Lords work FOR him ....Now that he's been defeated the remaining System Lords are scrambling for power again ..Trying to regain their place at the top ....While not destroyed... They are severely weakened ...Perfect time for us to do some cleaning perhaps? ...Meanwhile it appears Ba'al is the biggest threat 12. The audio mix might not have sounded great cause I took this episode (8x01) through handbrake AND through Vegas to fix the intro ...This potentially causes some issues ...It's one of the reasons why I don't like to mess with the episodes like this ...But it had to be done to keep you safe ...Sooooooo... Sorry most decidedly not sorry 13. Y'know what's funny ...It took Carter a bit of time to convince Weir and the others to let them take the upgraded Cargo Ship to contact the Asgard ...This ship was Earth's FASTEST ship for a short period of time ....Yet it was destroyed on arrival in the Asgard galaxy ....Now as we saw from the end of 8x02 ...Carter wasn't reprimanded for her actions or demoted for her actions ..Instead she got promoted to Colonel ....Funny 14. Nitpick time: Thor shows an image of what he says it the Lego Monsters position next to a black hole ...The image used is however that of a galaxy ...It's something COMPLETELY different /nerd 15. To answer your question.. In a quick shot when we saw Thor beam Sam and Teal'c on to his ship ...We also saw some cargo being beamed on board ...So yes ....He beamed their weapons on to the ship as well ....Not exactly sure why Sam and Teal'c needed a bunch of boxed FILLED with weapons and stuff when their mission was to contact the Asgard ...But TV Show gotta TV Show 16. Yup... The Asgard now had a ship called The O'neill and one called The Daniel Jackson ...Where are The Teal'c and The Samantha Carter?? And why the first names all of a sudden? 17. Agreed yeah ...Even me.. Not knowing a goddamn thing about hair can CLEARLY tell that Carter's hair is mostly extensions ....And suuuuuure.. One could argue that ofcourse it's extentions cause look at her hair in 8x01 or whatever ...But that could've been a wig ...TV / Movies have done it before where they have people wear a bald cap / wig to simulate shorter hair and vice versa ...Her short hair COULD have been a wig ...But naw ...This long hair CLEARLY looks fake 18. Thor to O'neill: "Your mind has been interfaced with The Daniel Jackson" O'neill: "What?" Daniel: "WHAT?!" ..This cracks me up every time ..Also useless side note ...Whenever I say "GHWAT!?" ...I'm channeling Michael Shanks delivery of that same line in this very episode ..Perfect delivery 19. O'neill gains control of Thor's ship and the first thing he does is get distracted by turning the lights on and off ...Can't argue with that logic ...Same Jack ...Same 20. The real reason for O'neill mentioning remembering something about twins isn't known (it was probably an ad-lib by RDA much like his line later on on the planet "Who's your daddy?!" when he destroyed some Lego Monster) ...One fan suggested it was a reference to the Olsen Twins turning 18 just before Season 8 came out ...NO FUCKING clue how they came to that conclusion and it'd be kinda weird for it to be that ...Maybe it's O'neill remembering standing over his unconscious body as a hologram a few scenes earlier? 21. Side note... Fuck up in the effects of 8x02 ...When Thor's ship loses contact with the Asgard planet ..A message pops up on his screen ...It's written in Goa'uld NOT Asgard ....I looked it up online and it's complete gibberish ...But from what I most likely have told you by now in the notes for Atlantis ...It was around this time I think that the props department started putting secret messages in their alien texts on the show ...Things that COULD be translated into something real or silly 22. The sudden wide eyed look when Thor comes out from behind his desk and sees O'neill destroyed the human Lego Monster ...Hi-fucking-larious! 23. I think the reason Daniel and Teal'c are wearing black and O'neill is wearing green is again to indicate that O'neill has essentially been away for a while ...To be honest ...And this shouldn't come as a surprise to you ...I kinda dig the black costumes 24. Now to answer your ACTUAL question ....Brigadier (Brig-ah-deer.. but feel free to fuck it up.. You know you will) is a word that can be found in other forms all throughout the world ...In French it's brigade ...In Italian it's brigata ....The meaning of the word is "body of soldiers" or "troop, crowd, gang" ....Brigadier General basically means O'neill is the commander of troops ....But I don't think anyone really goes as far as continuously calling Generals by their full title on this show or perhaps even in real life ....So much like we used to call Hammond "General Hammond" who was a Major General in status which is one step higher than O'neill ...We can just call O'neill "General O'neill" ...Same goes for Carter by the way ...We don't call her Leuitenant Colonel Carter ....It's just Colonel Carter ...Plus it's easier anyways 25. As for your question what this means for SG-1 ....Nobody ever said a team NEEDED to be 4 people ...It can be 3 ...Or maybe they'll start recruiting again ...You'll just have to wait and see 26. As you might've figured out by now ...They DID actually kind of set up something for Atlantis in 8x02... It's also why you needed to watch it in THIS order ...Weir left the SGC to take over the project in Antarctica (and then in the pilot took command of the Atlantis Expedition) ...Ofcourse you wouldn't have known this when you watched 8x02 27. So now that the Lego Monsters no longer look like lego and instead they look human ...Are we still calling them Lego Monsters??