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I figured I'd give you regular updates on things I find interesting about my week!

"My Procedure - Skip past if too much personal information!"

I had my procedure on Tuesday. I'm finally semi okay to talk about it comfortably with you if you're interested in knowing. I had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. I recorded all my weeks reactions last week on the weekend and began Monday not being able to eat anything all day. I was starving, I had no energy. I hadn't had any Pepsi either for 2 days, only water and by the end of Monday I had so much water in my system that I ended up throwing up. I took 4 naps that day and I was on the toilet all day :(. It was honestly the worst I've felt in my whole life. I had panic attacks and consistently felt awful throughout the whole day. 

I went in for my procedure on Tuesday and when I laid down on the bed I started to have another panic attack. The Doctors tried to calm me down by talking about what I do at work but I was just so freaked. They put a needle in my arm (which is still very seriously bruised up) and they put the anesthetic mask thing on me and I coughed a few times and next thing I knew I was awake with my pants on. It took me 3 days to feel normal again, every time I took a big breath or I swallowed anything I felt a pain in my esophagus and it was not fun. I'm suppose to go to my local doctors to discuss my results this week but I'm a little nervous to be honest. 

"I went bowling, again!"

I went bowling with 2 other people, they allowed me to put the bumpers up and on the second game, I WON! I got 115 points and that's honestly I think the highest I've gotten. I think I got like 4 strikes that game it was great! Also, the last time I went they had really nice chicken salt on their chips and I decided to ask them this time what brand it was. The girl that served us went and grabbed the tub 'Nice n Tasty' was the brand and she asked us if we wanted a container of some of it. HOW NICE?! She grabbed one of those plastic rectangular containers and filled it halfway up with chicken salt and it was great! Sometimes asking is useful :D!

"Black Widow"

I saw Black Widow last night at the Drive in theater. (In case you don't have that where you live, it's a theater where you go in your car to watch movies). The night was so cold that we had to constantly turn on the demisters in the car all throughout the movie.

*Spoilers for the film*

The movie was okay. It took me far too long to realize the kid at the start of the movie was Natasha. I thought it was a boy... In my defense, the my windscreen was constantly blurry. I don't like that they X-Men Origins: Wolverine'd the intro sequence to the movie. In which they montage'd over the shit we wanted to see in a Black Widow film. I liked the banter between Yelena and Natasha, that felt real to me. I think some of the stunts were a bit over the top and should have killed Natasha but didn't. A Widow looks like shes paralyzed from the same fall that Nat has (Nat fell arguably worse as she hit things on the way down but was fine). Is she inhunman now? I liked Yelena, I thought Taskmaster was incredibly underutilized and Red Guardian even more so. They set up a fight between Red Guardian and Taskmaster and we never got to see it??? (idk maybe I went to the bathroom when it happened). Red Guardian felt like a joke of a character and I gotta ask why? Are men now a joke in film today? Just something to ponder. The action sequence at the end with the red room in the sky was boring (why was it in the sky? how is that hard to see???). No stakes because we know whats going to happen, no consequences to Nat breaking her nose. I think it's a cop out for the other Widows to be mind controlled, takes away from their actions. I think this movie is a too little too late. Idk maybe I'll like it better on a second viewing but it was hard to watch while the car was really cold inside and maybe that added to the criticism I had. 


"Dr. Stone"

I watched season 1 of Dr. Stone over the weekend. I've been watching a lot more Anime on my own time and this one is great! I was hooked right from the start. The whole world just gets petrified into stone and this one teenage prodigy scientist breaks free and must re-invent and colonize the world again after it's been over 3,000 years. He manages to de-petrify a few people and it's just overall really fascinating. I'll be watching season 2 as soon as I can. 


What was your week like? :)



The first half of Black widow was amazing (didn't like the second half), still the best marvel movie imo. I do feel like Marvel is too Americanised. Are there only powerful superheroes in the US? If there are others, where were they during Infinity war? Maybe Khan is the one making them superheroes, and he's probably american. That could be the reason.

Jordan St. James

I know a bit of what you've been through. I've had a colonoscopy too. The night before, I had to eat nothing but this... I can't even remember what, some powder or liquid thing, and spent the whole rest of the night on the toilet to purge my insides. And it turned out that nothing was wrong with me.

Jordan St. James

I think a lot of your criticisms are legit. How they apparently treated Red Guardian reminds me of a trend that I feel goes around with movies like this nowadays. They wanna make the female characters so "strong" and "badass" and "too good for this and that", but the comedy of the film has to come from somewhere, as well as a certain amount of male presence to legitimise it as a non-biased film. So the filmmakers probably feel an immense amount of gratification by combining the two as a so-called solution and show how "silly" and "not as good as they think" the male characters are compared to the more "competent" females. And yeah, the idea that all the widows, including Taskmaster, were under mind control and that they could be freed just like that from some red dust was such a ridiculous idea. I think maybe they wanted to use the concept of Dreykov controlling all of them as an analogy for women being victimised by powerful men. If that's the case, then the movie would be indicative of another trend these days of sacrificing good drama for social commentary. Why the hell make Taskmaster a mindless robot? Natasha blew her up as a child. You would think that that would make her want to seek revenge against Natasha of her own free will. But no, they had to make her another victim of her male authority figure. Remember all those Wanda-induced visions that Natasha was having in Age of Ultron? The movie should've been about that. They should've kept that woman who was training them as a villain. They should've kept the idea that the widows were all conditioned and brainwashed, not being controlled by some chip in the brain or whatever it was. They should've given Clint/Hawkeye a part in the film, just like how Natasha had a part in Captain America: Winter Soldier and/or how Tony had a part in Spider-Man: Homecoming. But evidently, Kevin Feige wanted to minimise the presence of the male Avengers as much as possible so that the movie could truly be Natasha's (no really, he said that). The movie was probably kept afloat by its performances. Time will tell how the movie will rank among the MCU movies in my opinion. But right now, Civil War remains at the top. Yeah, yeah, Endgame and Infinity War are up there. But in terms of telling a legitimately good story with good themes while still delivering on the Marvel fanservice and action, I think Civil War has it all. Winter Soldier is also really good. As is the first Guardians and Ragnarok.


Glad you are doing better. One thing I'll say about health is that the biggest part about health is what you put in your body. Sure there are other things too, but the biggest part is what you put into your body....mmmm, uhhh, like pepsi (and when I drank soda pepsi was my drink)... soda is really really really bad for you. Certainly not saying that is what's causing your issues, just saying it's really bad for your health. As for Black WIdow, I saw it last week as well (or a couple weeks ago) and I'd give it a 4 out of 10. Somewhat decent with respect to some things. Like the acting was good, even really good in some areas from some people. The banter, for the most part was good ...though there were a few scenes where I was like "WTF? why?". CGI was awesome. But ya, some of the actions scenes were over the top unbelievable (not nearly as over the top unbelievable as F9). I did not like taskmaster. Why gender swap taskmaster to make him a woman? Well, they said because they wanted to make him a powerful and strong independent woman instead. It's ironic that taskmaster was actually played by a man then for 99% of the movie except for the part where the mask is off. As for Red Guardian...I completely agree with you on that point as well. More than that, did you see his fight scene with one of the widows? He gets tossed around like he's nobody. Red Guardian...who is a Super Soldier like Captain America, gets thrown around and played with like he's an 8 year old kid by a woman (well trained sure) with no super powers of any kind! Could you imagine Black Widow tossing around Captain America like that? No, they made the male characters a joke...the butt of jokes and incompetent and useless. Did you know that the creators of the movie have come out and said that Iron Man (and possibly a few other Avengers) were supposed to make a cameo in the movie but they decided not to do that because they didn't want Black Widow getting help from a man?


I went on a jungle cruise to find some rare flower with magical healing properties, All the while being chased by a flamboyant nazi in a submarine who took orders from bees. And I might've also started a war with Irish people. Not sure, The jury is still out on that. So yeah, All in all a pretty uneventful weekend.


Yeah but I had to feed it to a friend I met in the jungle. He turned to stone and it was the only way to bring him back. It turned out alright though. We found another flower just randomly growing on our way out. I don't remember if we did anything with it. The whole adventure was pretty meh to be honest.


I had a bit of an idea that's what the procedure would be. That sort of thing is in my near future, and I've been anxious as hell about it. At least now I can think to myself "hey dummy, just be brave like Shan" and maybe it'll be ok. So thank you for sharing your story.

Zach Hershman

I have had over 50 colonoscopies and endoscopies in the last 20 years (I am 40). The procedures themselves are pretty benign. It's mainly the prep for the colonoscopy that sucks. The drink they make you drink is no fun. It's about a million times better than the drink they used 20 years ago though. The actual worst part about it is how nervous you are leading up to the first time having the tests done. In hindsight you realize there is nothing to the test.


Thank you fur sharing. I'm glad you're getting help and hope it all works out well. We gotta stop people sending you all that junk food! Lol