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At least Shan didn't complain about what they did with Hades' hair at the end. When this first aired on tv, I remember it being a huge complaint from fans that the visual effects of the blue fire superimposed onto his head looked really bad


About bringing Henry, there was a deleted scene in 5x11 that the creator tweeted the script page for: Basically it has David, Snow, Regina, and Henry agree to go with her. Both Emma and Regina say no to Henry wanting to go, but he reminds them that he got on a bus alone to find Emma and says if they leave him behind, he'll find another way.


I don't really know why you expected more. There was a lot of fanservice, a lot of returns, a fan favourite disney villian reveal at the end. I think i was a good 100th episode. And hey, at least they adressed that the Underworld looks like Storybrooke and didn't just ignored it, hoping you would ignore it too)

Chris Peacock

I think more would have just been bloat, but I do understand wanting it anyway. Can't agree. But 100% understand.

Avalon Perry

Something that I feel needs to be mentioned is Regina’s growth, especially in terms of her relationship with Emma. There was a time when Regina would never have even thought of going to this great and dangerous lengths to help Emma of all people and actually would have done everything in her power to make things worse for her, but now she’s actually grown to care about her. In season 1 I actually kind of did expect a redemption arc for Regina, but never to the point of her actually being friends with and even risking her safety for the person who was her sworn enemy for that whole season. I just think Emma and Regina have one of the best relationship arcs in the show in terms of where they started to where they are now, I’m a sucker for Enemies to Friends.

Luis Garcia

I'm pretty sure they decided to make the Underworld look like Storybrooke to save money. Maybe they didn't have enough in the budget for a new set or they decided to save the money for something else. Also, the Underworld is for people with unfinished business. These people can be good or bad. For example, if you have a single parent who is an amazing person, but died while their child was young, they might end up in the Underworld until they've made sure that their child has been cared for. Sorry if it's not the best example, it's the best one I could come up with on the spot.