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I would say the way Hook is acting makes sense. He had to fight the darkness for a long time and when he had finally "won" that battle he was plunged into darkness. Furthermore, it was done by someone he loved and someone who he begged to let him go. Emma's decision, though somewhat understandable perhaps, was incredibly selfish. She had to know what it would do to him, seeing as she had been experiencing the darkness herself. So when Hook was reborn as a dark one he felt betrayed and angry. And since he had battled the darkness for so long it's reasonable to say the darkness would affect him a lot more than Emma. So much more that I would say that previous dark ones had a far bigger hold on Hook than they ever were able to have on Emma. And in his weak emotional state, they twisted him to fully believe in the Dark One's Plan. Making him for example turn on Emma and kill Merlin. Finally, when one becomes The Dark One they are reborn and I guess part of that process is that you gain the knowledge of how to use magic. Therefore, Hook was immediately capable of using magic. I mean Rumple could use magic as soon as he became The Dark One.


1. (You about catching up to other people) I think it's cause you're no longer binging the show.. Whereas before you'd binge before you'd start releasing.. Now you just watch 2 episodes and release them and then do the same thing the next week and so on.. Much faster.. Which also means we're gonna have to start thinking about a replacement show at some point 2. I mean look.. Evil Hook? I'm all for it.. But he didn't show signs of being evil before.. Which is kinda weird 3. Yeah I've mentioned this before.. It's "Dark One" NOT "Dark Two" ...Doesn't make sense 4. Ok I'm already kinda disliking this... Dark Hook is acting like Dark Rumple... Was Nimue acting like this? No. Did those other Dark Ones act like that? Or Emma? No. 5. You: "It's so big and long" ... me keeps mouth shut... You: "That thing looks heavy" me covers mouth ...MMMMM!!!!!... 6. Yeah one good deed doesn't make everything right.. Rumple has done a lifetime of evil things.. He's got a lot more redeeming to do.. I'm sad they're going down this route though.. I liked Dark Rumple.. From Season 1.. Before he started treating Belle like crap over and over again 7. Yeah it doesn't feel genuine.. It's like the writers went like "Oooh lets make these 2 characters evil" But they completely fucked it up with turning them into "Dark Ones" it defeats the meaning of "One" ...They also still have empathy.. Which kinda sucks.. Dark Rumple just did whatever the fuck he wanted for his own personal gain.. But Emma and Hook are still debating shit 8. It's either that they don't want pretty people to look like a full Dark One.. Or Hook and Emma just haven't completely given in yet and this is what keeps their face from changing? 9. They're bringing people back from the dead? More Dark Ones?!!? That makes absolutely no fucking sense!!! There can be only one!

Chris Peacock


Chris Peacock

It is not The Dark One. Its the Dark One. Capitalism matters here. The power is The Darkness. Somebody who has harnessed The Darkness is “One with The Darkness”. A Dark One. If we only have one then they are the Dark One. If we have two they are a Dark One. Never The Dark One.


Hook was only able to open the portal to the Underworld because he had Rumple’s blood on his hook. This works because Rumple has died (and been to the Underworld) and came back to life. Rumple couldn’t have always done this because there was a time where he hadn’t died yet. (Remember, he died in Season 3, then Neal resurrected him). Also, maybe we can assume that Hook got the ingredients for the Dark Curse off camera? Ik previously they showed villains mixing the proper ingredients together but the main ingredient that is worth seeing, is the heart of the thing you love most. Yes, using Merlin’s heart is a bit of a loophole, but that seems to be a practice in all Dark Ones. Thank you for expressing your opinion! Cant wait for the mid-season finale and the 100th episode!


Emma only gave him the Excalibur after being caught in a lie and being called out on it. Of course your first impulse is not to trust a liar and Hook is being manipulated by the Darkness and other Dark Ones whispering sh!t to him. And what is worse, they were right, Emma was deceiving him and the Dark Ones were telling the truth. That would make you angry, that would make you feel betrayed, you would do something stupid on emotions and succumb to the darkness even further....... But it's like you are not even trying to see things from his perspective, you just decided that you know better than the actor, or the director, or the writers, and that's not how the character would've done things...... Whatever, I won't ask you to put yourself in someone else's shoes, you're biased and stuck in your ways, it's Damon and Laurel can't do no wrong even if the do wrong right in front of you, even if they strangle little kittens, you'd find a way to justify it( I will, however, ask you to maybe pay more attention, Hook didn't slice Rumple with Excalibur, he did it with his hook, that is why there's a blood on it in the end. They are opening a portal to the UNDERWORLD! And you are asking how the dead Dark Ones are showing up.........underworld.........that's where the souls go, after a person dies.......so they opened a portal.......and the dead Dark Ones came........from the underworld.......where they were.......because they were dead....... You are nitpicking about the curse, when it's easily explained with the fact that Dark Hook has magic, and he could've just poofed all the other ingredients into the cauldron with a thought, or a hand gesture. And the comment before me already told you about Rumple blood being eligible for that spell only after his return from the dead, so before you ask, why didn't he do it in season 3 or 4. He was under Zelena's control. After he delt with her he found Merlin's Hat and had means to carve himself from the dagger and be free, so he was doing that. Until Belle banished him. After returning to town he was busy finding the Author to write him a happy ending, before his heart fully blacked. He failed and fell into a coma. The Apprentice extracted the Darkness from him and he was no longer the Dark One. So there was no reason for him to do the Masked Singer Invasion from Beyond after waking up!

Luis Garcia

There's nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, but you should try to be less rude about it.