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I agree that it's wrong to compare Vince and Earth 2 Laurel. I understand the emotions and feelings that Dinah has towards Vince. Yes there are similarities between the two. But Vince at best had a change of heart, but even that is doubtfull. Furthermore, he was a ruthless killer. He had a mission and anyone who got in his way got killed. Earth 2 Laurel has made her mistakes (she killed Vince), but the earth she grew up on was hell on earth. Together with the original Laurel's backstory that gives for more in-depth story and character. As for redemption; for Vince that was never and would never have been realistic. As for Laurel, I think it's possible, simply because it seems she doesn't like to hurt people. Then again, I doubt Dinah would ever accept that Laurel would get redemption. But I do believe that if Laurel wants to, she can do it. As for Diaz, Let's see and find out what his plans are.


I'm happy you enjoyed the 1 second crossover with the flash :) But yes I can understand you not enjoying Cayden James as a villain since you don't like hacker stories. I enjoyed him (but I like the actor too so I can be biased) and I don't mind hacker stories so he worked for me at least :)

David Brown

Yes Shan, the Anatoly in Batman v Superman is the same character as our Anatoly. The one in BvS is truer to what he's like in the comics, but I feel our Anatoly is a better character. 14:12 It is common in conspiracies for the assassin to be killed shortly after he has killed his target. The biggest one is how the man who killed U.S. President John F. Kennedy was killed shortly after. There are other examples, but that's the big one.


"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist" is a quote by some famous poet, there is no way you never heard it, it's been in movies, it's been in TV Shows, in commercials and YouTube skits probably. And I'm tired of writing about your Laurel over Dinah bias week after week, but it shows again and again and again......but someone has to stop, so I'll be a bigger person, and I will stop. You, of course, can do whatever you want, but I have better things to do, than to check you on your hypocrisy. So I'm not gonna write anything about this topic anymore)


I don't think Diaz is a hacker. He most likely had someone in Helix. That would be how he knew about Cayden and his son. If Diaz set his sights on Star City there is three things he needs to get rid of: Green Arrow, The Mayor and city officials. So no, in season 5 Diaz didn't know Oliver was the Green Arrow however, he needed Cayden to get rid of the Green Arrow. The only thing Diaz didn't know was that Felicity was going to break Cayden out and his person in Helix could have gotten the ball rolling on that one.

Chris Peacock

It's almost like the writers have no idea what they are doing. I'm shocked. Shocked I say!


It was also at the end of the movie The Usual Suspects which has one of the best endings along with primal fear in my opinion. unfortunely kevin spacey ruined himself...