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Even when he had a soul, Jack was naive. Even though he's a nephilim, he's still really young.

Chantelle Miles

Jack has always been a child and naive, but he trusts the boys so of course he listened to them especially. Hes 2 years old and incredibly powerful, so course it's not the same as when Sam lost his soul lol. Jack is precious and they should never of manipulated him. The only one who truly never gave upon him is his number 1 dad Castiel. Jack was easily manipulated from day 1 with asmodeus pretending to be donatello too.


Sorry in advance for my tirade. These last few episodes really set the fandom ablaze and there was way too much Dean hate going on. It got me angry and protective. They did talk to Jack! And they were really scared too. That conversation they had with him showed how little he truly understood as to his fault in killing Mary. He'd definitely slip up again and not think twice about it. Unless he already knew it was something sam, dean or cas would get mad about. And would he even really care? Jack was already naive. I don't think the loss of his soul affected his ability to think. That's part of what people have loved about Jack. He's young and naive. New to the world and everything about it and how things between people work. I think the fact that Jack trusted them before all of this helped with him trusting them now. Another episode that added to the fracture in the fandom. Everyone was hating on Dean after this. Except me, and a few other of us Dean fans. Yep. Mary first died on the day Sam turned 6 months old. So I guess there are still some AU hunters alive. Yay! Wonder for how long?? lol Surprised Cas didn't notice the Wraith. Cas is not a little baby bird. ugh I do hope that Duma doesn't turn bad now. Why do angels always do that things like what Duma did? Very typical angel behavior. Metatron did something very similar to Cas. Naomi manipulated Cas, and other angels. Zachariah . . . ugh! Why can't angels learn!?!?! The religious group was a bit much. Silly. Kind of arbitrary. I hope Cas found Naomi and let her out. Odd wish. Dean should feel better knowing that Mary is in Heaven with John. She's happier there than she'd been on earth. I think people feel the need to project some kind of protection towards Jack and Cas, no matter what they do. That they're always innocent, no matter what. Just because of who they are. What they are. I never got that. It was obvious when Sam and Dean were talking to Jack, that he just couldn't be trusted. He had lost his soul and he really didn't understand the difference between right and wrong. Sam and Dean were obviously worried and scared when they were talking to him. Like they were dealing with a bomb that could go off at any moment. So, really. What were they supposed to do? Yeah. He's naive. And very very dangerous. Like a toddler left alone with a baby chick. The toddler is very innocent and naive. The chick is everyone else. The toddler could accidentally kill the baby chick without even meaning to do so. totally innocent. Doesn't make the chick come back to life though. Well, you know what? None of this may have had to happen if only Cas had told Sam and Dean that Jack had done soemthing and they had proof that he didn't have a soul and that it was not going well. So there. But no one ever wants to blame cas for anything. Ever. Talking to Jack would not have made things safer. Because he had no control over himself. If someone pissed him off again, what would make him keep from hurting them? Really. He does not have any moral compass anymore. But, in the end, we can blame the writers and showrunners for all of this. They really wanted it to happen like this, so they made Dean be the fall guy for all of this. Its not his fault! grrr