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Jason Veevaert

Not saying this is Mary's fault, but when the emotionally distraught super powerful being is asking to be left alone, maybe just give them some space.

Chantelle Miles

No Death didnt restore Sam's soul because Sam's soul wasnt destroyed only left in the pit. Death just put it back but Jack has burned his soul away. Jack is a victim and still an adorable child. Mary was stupid for getting in his face like that when he was clearly struggling.


Who wrote this episode? I noticed too many inconsistencies for my liking. I'm on a negativity kick these days. This is my first re-watch of season 14 and while I still have issues, it's gotten better on the re-watch. Death did return Sam's soul, but that was only possible because the soul was still around. Jack's soul was used up, or at least most of it - we think most of it. So it's just gone. Whatever that means. That's why Cas thinks God is the only one who can give Jack another soul - or recapture his original one somehow. But I have wondered what kind of effect an angel's grace has? Angels don't have souls and they don't seem to feel much, but they do have some kind of feelings. And Cas has feelings. So, maybe an angel's grace gives Jack something? So I guess that Jo has been on earth for a while. Since before Anna??? Confusing. Anna Fell, but Jo didn't. The history has changed over the seasons. Where did Nick get angel grace???? Jack or Cas could have just read the info from Nick's mind. Nice finding inconsistencies, isn't it? Why can't Sam just be a little bit evil? Enough to kill NIck and be done with it? Why did the entity of the Empty allow Lucifer to talk to Nick? ugh! I think Sam always witholds something when he's fighting humans. He really doesn't want to kill anyone, even if they deserve it. And he was winning against Nick until he got hit in the head several times with a rock. I was Really livid when Lucifer starting appearing. Really livid. I was pretty close to just calling it all quits, I was that mad. I doubt that I really would have, but it was close. What is up with the people running this show and their obsession with Lucifer? There is really no reason the Empty would have let that happen. I just don't get it. Nice to finally see Jack using those awesome powers and not for playing around. Is Nick really dead though? Oh, I hope so! But he's like a cockroach. And why did Cas have to be away during this hunt? He could have looked for that stupid thing later! Mary did act unusually stupid in going after Jack like that. I'd think someone with her smarts and experience, and knowing that Jack is not acting right, would have known better to push him like that. I think the writer should have had a better way of getting the end result. Which still would have sucked. Nick was acting a lot like Lucifer. This show just loves lucifer so much that it can't let go and couldn't even let nick be nick. They just had to have lucifer even when he wasn't there. Such a shame that we finally get some good son/mother talks and it's right before Mary dies. Why couldn't they do it more before. My negative mind suspects that they kept Mary around just for this sort of thing. And minimally used her because they were just keeping her in the wings for when they could do this.


Would have helped if Mary had the intel she needed. She had been with Jack for a year in the AU, so ,as far as she knew, that's the Jack she wax dealing with.