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Just some random comments about this episode. My brain isn't really working very well these days, so this is the best I can do. I like Sam with a beard too. I like both of them with beards. Dean needs to grow a beard and let his hair grow out a bit. I'm loving Jensen's quarantine look! Well, I did love it. It's gone now. But they're finishing up the show this week and hopefully he'll grow it all back for good. Yeah. Doubtful. sigh I don't think Cas is a very good babysitter. He doesn't have a good track record as one. Season 10, for example. And totally agree that Jensen gets screwed out of some things, like beoing demon dean or Michael. About expelling an angel. As far as I can tell, someone can't expel an angel once they've given permission. Which seems wrong. Sam was able to do it with Gadreel because he didn't actually give permission to gadreel. Not fully. So it's a bit of a fine line, I guess. All during this episode I was telling Cas that the key to saving the girl was the necklace. It was obvious from the start! I got so frustrated, it's kind of funny. Finally Jack figures it out. Sheesh. It was staring them in the face the whole time! Sam likely would have figured it out quickly. I would hope. But that wouldn't have served the purpose of that part of the story for this episode. I'm really curious about the spear. It can hurt Michael and that's big. How did Dark Kai get it? It looks similar to something we saw in the past in one of those big paintings in the "beautiful room" in season 4. I love Jody! Why does she always have to get hurt? I think that's the second time her arm's been broken. Same arm, I think. Stop hurting jody! I don't like how they're writing Dean in these later seasons so far. Even more bull headed than before. Character growth has happened, so why the backward slide?