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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bcq535ei5q39aue/Supergirl%20S02E16%20-%20Star-Crossed%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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I love Glee too, no shame. lol


This was the episode of Supergirl that almost made me quit watching the show. After months of brutal character assassination against my boy Mon-El the writers decided that they needed to do the same thing to his family. At this point I was wondering, “Why even use Mon-El or any Daxamites if you’re just gonna shit all over them?” There is only one main reason why you would bring Mon-El onto this show in the first place. I can’t talk about that reason due to spoilers but it is the only reason I kept watching. And to tell the truth, I don’t dislike the storylines. I think their exploration of toxic masculinity and abusive familial dynamics are important and worth the time and effort put into them. I just don’t get why you would use Mon-El as character through which you examine these issues. It makes absolutely zero sense and in my opinion was a bad call on the part of the writers and producers of the show. There are many other characters in the DC stable that would have fit these storylines better. It’s a shame that the creators decided that their end goal was more important than the way they got there.