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Frank Tremel

I think the fact Deke hesitated before not killing Freddy shows how much he's changed from the man they first met in the Lighthouse. If this was that, I guarantee I would not have hesitated had he been told what Freddy becomes. And I really wonder ow this will impact his relationship with Daisy as they have to bring up the fact that Daisy ordered Deke to kill someone in cold blood.

James jackson

With the references to how long it to fitzsimmons to build this tech i think jemma might also be an LMD.


I wonder about May, something not right there. Did she lose her sprit or is it something that is affected her. I hope Yo-Yo gets the courage to use her speed again, I think something going to happen and she does it automatically. Daisy ordered Deke to killed someone in cold blood, think that's going to be picked up in the next eps. Also, I want Fitz, maybe we will have an eps like in season 5, showing what he's been doing before meeting up.

David Brown

5:04 Shan, "the cat's pajamas" was a 1920s and 1930s slang expression to describe something great or fantastic. Nowadays we just say "cool".


I added a little something to the Youtube cut about it, lol

Jordan Haddow

My first time through, I got the connection Enoch and Koenig made about Shield and the bar. That's the bar above their secret underground base. I still remember when Coulson had Talbot over to the base. The sat in the booth and Coulson told him to buckle up as the booth dropped down into the base. The part I missed was Koenig's interest in Chronicoms, and Enoch says how his grandkids will be interested too. So funny. It plays on that old season 2 joke about how the Koenigs were robots by implying they were actually Chronicoms. Obviously it couldn't be true, since Ward was able to so easily kill one of them, but it's such a nice little call back.