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Inhuman Paradox

This is an infuriating episode. Not because it gets political, but because not only does it get about a thousand things dead wrong about guns, but because it doesn't even go all the way with its politics, it chickens out and has an unexplained perfect solution Oliver somehow comes up with. But gun control is not an issue with perfect solutions, especially when our politicians are divided between a side that wants to do nothing at all and a side that thinks "chainsaw bayonets" are a real thing and that giant bans solve everything. In terms of what they get wrong: The AR-15 is NOT the same as an M16, nor is it an Assault Rifle. The AR-15 is a semiautomatic rifle that is identical in function to a Ruger Mini-14 Hunting Rifle (Which, what a shock, NEVER gets banned even in bans that prohibit the AR-15. They are the SAME gun, they just look different). Not an assault rifle by any measure. Assault rifles must be capable of burst or automatic fire. The M16 is an example, one based on many design elements of an AR-15 but in terms of function entirely different. If an AR-15 is able to be more than semiautomatic it is, by definition, not an AR-15 anymore and should not be used as an example of that gun. It's an illegally modified weapon at that point. If you're gonna support gun control, be consistent with it, and actually get some knowledge of guns first. Just saying "ban assault weapons" isn't a solution, it's a feelgood slogan. And for the record, I don't mind the politics in these shows. In fact I vehemently defend stuff like the immigration allegories in Supergirl. But this episode here shows a lack of basic knowledge and research, and that is what infuriates me.


Huh interesting title of the episode


I was definitely not a fan of this episode. Arrow has been a show that had been fairly good about keeping politics out of its storylines,(We have Supergirl for majority of the SJW nonsense), but the writers must have been wearing their skinny jeans extra tight and really felt the need to shove their liberal BS down our throats in this one. This episode was extremely clumsy in dealing with so-called gun control issues.


offended...just because you guys display your offendedness with disdain/anger does not change the fact that you found a way to get offended...just like the people you love to claim are easily offended.

Andreas Froby

My react to this comment is just hahaha. Can not handle people not dealing with that sometimes real life issues come into tv shows, even though you can have different opinions on the issue. And I am a person that like to watch tv to excape the reality, but you can’t just totally excape it.


exactly, this show for instance has shown Russians as primarily mobsters, yet no one has ever been offended by that. Bring up guns and certain people lose their shit...SJW this SJW that.


To the Shans question of what the policy could be if it isn't about banning guns vs not banning guns....That is what propoganda has gotten us. Pro gun lobbyist want to make it seem like its a all or nothing debate....it is not, the purpose of gun control in the US is not about all or nothing....it is about limitaions as they stated in the show. For instance a 12 year old kid cannot legally drive a car...yet in the US a 12 year old can legally fire a rifle. If you buy a car it must be registered....a gun in many states can legally be sold as many times from person to person without a trace....I myself own a AR-15...I spent a grand total of 7 minutes at a gun store to get it....it took me longer to order a pizza through the domino's app. Even plumbers need permits to run their business, no reason why gun ownership should not require at least driver license levels of training prior to being able to use. In short, the issue is gun "control" not gun "ban"...No matter how hard gun advocates try and paint as such to outrage their base.

Brandon Wiesner

"Tonight, on a very special Arrow..." lol Yeah I get that this episode was very heavy handed, not to mention inconsequential for the overall character/story arcs for the season. Maybe with the exception of Rene and it was kind of interesting seeing his backstory a bit. The thing is, around the time of this episode and season, gun violence was a major issue here in the US. It actually had been for quite awhile, up until the pandemic. I'm sure they weren't the only ones to tackle the subject. It just wasn't done very well here. A lot of preaching and political debating and the ep sticks out like a sore thumb within the rest of the season and show for that matter.


I would just like to say, I did call that she would hate this episode in Discord. I could go on about the episode but I’m gonna sit back snd read the comments


I liked the episode and that it dealt with the politics of this topic. Green Arrow in the comics is a very political character especially in his green lantern/green arrow run so it makes sense to me. I didn’t really care what side anyone was on.


We had an entire season with Oliver using a list to target the rich and give back to the poor and people feel this is the most political the show has ever gotten? Oliver in the comics is a straight up socialist


I’m glad you’re warming up to Rene. I expected that to be the case. Jury is still out on Dinah tho 😂. Also it’s really distracting to me that Oliver’s office just looks like another room at Queen Consolidated/Palmer Tech. They seriously couldn’t find anywhere else to shoot?

Jared Scoggin

All the Arrowverse shows do this and it's always noticeable. I think like 8 characters have lived in Diggle's apartment. And of course there's CC Jitters which has been recycled into dozens of restaurants across the Arrowverse.


Absolutely! It’s really distracting and annoying. Just because all of the shows are shot in Vancouver doesn’t mean you have to cheap out and reuse the same set locations. This is just rushed and lazy and poor management on their part

Patrick Sullivan

It is kind of impressive how they make TV shows on a budget that seems to consist of what they scrounged from the spare change dropped in the sofa at the offices. Bless them, they send to spend on relatable actors in the roles who do a good job.


The American production system is absolutely impressive. It’s insane how rushed everything is. You could be a month before shooting for the next season and still not have a script ready to go. You could be filming 3 episodes back to back in the span of a month. And instead of writing a full season script outline and filming all the episodes in advance like a movie production they wait till the last minute yet still able to churn out entertaining and sometimes excellent programming. It has its cons though, actors hate the grueling schedule and as we’ve mentioned the cheap location sets. Hugh Grant turned down a role to replace Charlie Sheen in Two and Half Men because he wanted a finished script to get an idea of what he’d do but that’s just not how American television works

James jackson

Hell, the day of most of the reopening here is the US there were at least 3 mass shootings. One at a naval base in corpus christi, one at a funeral in louisiana and an incel terrorist shot up a mall in arizona.

Jake Hodgson

I feel about this episode about the way I feel about all Arrowverse shows when they get political, I don't specifically have an issue with what they are saying just how they are saying it. Just kind of jamming it down our throats if you will. They don't really understand the concept of being subtle they ramp it right up to 1000.


The driver's licence/driving vs. gun ownership argument doesn't hold up at all. Driving a car or having a driver's licence is privilege, not a constitutional right, as owning firearms is.


Btw, as a former Marine with excellent marksmanship, I've always utilized excellent "gun control".. I always hit my mark!


In order to shoot all these shows simultaneously, and keep them under budget, yes, they re-use and re-dress many of the same sets. The production for these CW shows have relatively small budgets and have very small windows of time to film. For anyone who thinks it's "lazy" film making is just misinformed. Spend a day on one of these productions and see how "lazy" they are.


I exercise excellent gun control, I always hit my bullseye!

Tammy L. Faulkner

I liked the Rene info the first time around... it gives insight to his anger @ the beginning of him joining the team. The storyline for this ep was a good one, but, not for this show. Maybe on 90210, Saved By the Bell, Family Matters, Full House or some other 90s sitcom... but no, not on Arrow.