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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pdre5feqddyrmo5/Supergirl%20S02E14%20-%20Homecoming%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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I agree that the way most everybody acts in this episode is pretty frustrating. But I will say that this is probably the first time that Mon-El has been written half way decent and in character. So that's good. Oh, and Winn is MVP like always. About Jeremiah’s arm. Even though it’s not stated I have to assume that it’s made from some advanced tech and probably is designed to appear and scan as fully organic. It wouldn’t do to be setting of metal detectors everywhere you go.


Dean Cain blocked me on Twitter. To be a fly on the wall of that progressive set when Trump Superman shows up.


I always love whenever Dean Cain shows up. Lois & Clark is probably my favorite Superhero show ever, and Dean Cain was excellent as Superman, and is an even better person in real life!