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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another great reaction! I really love this episode. I love Tiny as a character a lot because he's so sweet and the poor giant was so wanting to believe that not all humans were evil like his brothers claimed them to be. I love his love and fascination for all humans. It's an interesting take on the giants from the fairytale, Jack and the Beanstalk, and twist on Jack from the legend of Jack the Giant Slayer. I love that Jack was a woman, and not a boy named Jack like in Jack and the Beanstalk. Also... I love how in the end, Grumpy and the rest of the dwarfs happily welcome Tiny to Storybrooke and made him one of their brothers. I love how he was given a dwarfs ax from the dwarfs, that gave him the name that his brothers used to call him, officially making him one of the dwarfs. Now... Tiny has a family again and I absolutely love it! :) As for Anton's (Tiny) backstory... I really love seeing how it came about that he was all alone as we saw from this season's episode, Tallahassee, when Emma and Hook entered the giants' castle. We already knew what came of Jack upon seeing her bones lying beside her poisoned sword that killed the rest of the giants, and we knew that the giants were all dead aside from Anton. However, I love that we were able to see it come about and see how Jack died. Even though this big battle wasn't done as well as it could have been, had the show been given a larger budget for them to hire other actors to play the rest of the humans we learned fought in this battle against the other giants who were all killed off screen. Also... I love that James was a part of this story. I have always wanted to learn more about David's twin, ever since he had first been introduced back in season one's episode, The Shepherd. It's great to see more with David's twin brother again, and to see just how smug and a douche he is, setting him well apart from David. I also like how James and Jack are together, and that they sadly play on Anton's love for humans and their artifacts in order to attack and kill all the giants, but one, and for their treasure. Anton stopped him from getting their magic beans by destroying them all and salting the fields, but James still escaped with lots of gold, and left Jack behind to die. What a jerk! But as tragic as Anton's story is, I love his and James' storyline, and seeing King George too once again. Also... I love that the reveal of Anton being asked to destroy all the magic beans and their fields by salting the grounds, explain why magic beans in their world are non existent, like the Blue Fairy revealed to both Baelfire and to Rumplestiltskin back in season one's episode... The Return. And as been mentioned on and off throughout other episodes as well. I love how David was willing to turn himself over to Anton in order to protect the lives of everyone else in Storybrooke, then how he saves Anton's life with Mary Margaret's, Grumpy's, and the rest of the dwarfs' help. This helps Anton to see that David is not James, and that once again, not all humans are evil. I also absolutely love the brief moment where David and Grumpy are arguing about David's name being David, James, and Charming at different points in his life while they were running from Anton. So funny. And yes... David's true name and cursed name were both always David, given that his false memories came to him and effected him differently when the curse fell over them, since he was unconscious at the time the curse took them from their land and brought them to Storybrooke. Therefore, his false memories didn't have the proper time to effect David by distorting his true memories enough like it did with everyone else. I hope all of this makes sense to you. Charming was the nickname Snow gave him, and David pretended to be James back when he and Snow first met because he was forced to be so once the real James died, so long as King George was under and alliance with King Midas from their neighboring kingdom. Finally, it's clear that his real name really is just David, just as he was when he was cursed. What a brilliant and hilarious reveal. :) Next... I really love the scenes with Hook and the heroes aboard the Jolly Roger, as well as his scene with Regina. Hook is definitely always great no matter which other characters he deals with at any point in the show. I love how smug he is and how he continues to flirt with Mary Margaret much to David's frustration, like he flirts with any woman around. Hook loves to irritate and to push people to their limits to no end. I just love him! :) As for Regina suddenly becoming all evil again, and the heroes' treatment of her... This overall storyline between Regina, her mother, Henry, and the heroes, most definitely could have been done differently and in a better way that makes more sense. I don't like that Regina is so suddenly evil again and on her mother's side, even though I can understand it to some degree. In this second half of the season, it just feels to me like the creators and writers have seemed to forget how to write Regina's character, or that they didn't really know what to do with her. And it is a little frustrating at times. But with all of this being said... I also get the idea of the storyline like it is in the show and while I don't care much for Cora myself, I still like this overall storyline as well. And lastly... I like the storyline between Gold, Emma, and Henry a lot too. I like how Gold was deeply vulnerable outside of Storybrooke, now that he has no magic and is completely out of his comfort zone. It is definitely a different side of him and Robert Carlyle plays this role so well. I also like how Emma was there to help Gold too. And in regards to Gold having to remove the shawl, and becoming effected by being outside of their world without it... I believe that because Emma is the Savior and she was born of True Love, it has allowed for her to emulate her power and strength into him to help him long enough through the security checkpoint, as she held onto him as much as she was able to. This is why Gold didn't lose his memories all the way like Belle and Sneezy did. Had Emma not been there, Gold would have lost his memories like the others. And as for why Gold seemed so upset and uptight to the point of anger... it's because he's never been in the outside world, outside of Storybrooke, so everything is new to him, and he's extremely nervous. And he's now without magic, which as we know, Gold has used it like his life depends on it, which in a way it does. So being without magic again makes him feel incredibly uneasy. Like Gold told Belle back in this season's episode, The Crocodile... Gold has come to depend on magic, as it has become a crutch to him that he can't let go of. So for him, being now without magic... he is terrified and he hates it. And on top of all that... like we saw back in season one's episode, The Return when he believed August to be his son, we saw just how afraid Gold is to see his son again. Gold has no idea how Baelfire will react to seeing him again. So he's as much afraid to actually find him again, as he is longing to do so. And Henry was so sweet to want to help him. Oh... and I also love how Emma demanded that Henry come along with them in the beginning too. Gold may be more powerful than her, but she's not too afraid to stand up to him. And I also really love David's plea for him to protect his daughter and grandson as well. Overall... I enjoy this episode very much, and I loved your reaction for it. I love Tiny. Now... I'm excited for the next episode. Thank you so much again! And until next time...

James jackson

I am not sure which jurisdiction the magical town of storybrooke falls under, is it governed by Earthly laws or does it fall under some kind of constitutional monarchy and who is the rightful monarch? Further couldn't regina hiding from justice constitute child abandonment outright?

Brandon Wiesner

I'm surprised you didn't recognize Olaf the troll from Buffy. He played Tiny's father.

Tammy L. Faulkner

The adoption wasn't exactly LEGAL. Gold set it up... remember. Storybrooke isn't REAL. Regina never had legal rights over Henry.


don't know if you ever watched Lost because I don't remember you mentioning it but the guy who plays Tiny played Hurley on Lost one of my favorite characters so it it was cool to see him in this after Lost. Belle and others have also been on Lost. Plus Once is made by some of the same people as Lost so sometimes there are easter eggs of things that exist in both show like the Ajira Airline, Apollo chocolate bars and MacCutcheon Scotch Whiskey etc.