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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dh9p2hy2wrkds6s/The%20Flash%20S02E07%20-%20Gorilla%20Warfare%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Love your arrowverse reactions. Like it when you said he so fluffy.

Frank Tremel

I repeat, Joe and Team Flash really got on my nerves when it cam to mistrusting Harry. Especially since they now know why Harry is after Zoom.

The Movie Guru

I actually do have a mild chocolate allergy.

Brendan O'Connor

Gorilla City! Also Kendra is the name of one of the characters that was Hawkgirl, introduced in the late 90s

Walter Alcaraz

It didn't help matters that Harry is acting obnoxiously towards the team. Cisco said it himself in Episode 2x5 : "Our Wells may have been evil, but you're just a dick!" Being rude, condescending, and obnoxious towards people whose aid you need doesn't help in the trust department. He argued with the entire team. Oh, and breaking into Tina McGee's building at Mercury Labs when he first got here....

Walter Alcaraz

I once dated a girl that was allergic to chocolate. It wasn't the full throat closing Epi-pen needing variety. It would cause her to break out into a rash and even hives. Occasionally she also got swollen lips. Would clear up in about 24 to 48 hours.