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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sc3jhfef735by7a/Dollhouse%20S02E13%20-%20Epitaph%20Two%20-%20Return%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Hey a quick question, When are the Angel final epsiodes posted, or are you still fixing the episodes?.

Jason Veevaert

Just so many great moments in this episode!


Such a great show *sigh* The Paul thing shocked me so much back then since it happened so abruptely. But I guess that's war. Also, Topher broke my heart.


I really enjoyed watching this show with you! (not surprised) I was a bit annoyed they killed Paul "Whedon-style" until I realized he probably would have died anyway from the pulse, his brain was so damaged he wouldn't have survived without the imprint. And then he got weirdly back at the end, so, in the context of Whedon finales, this could be considered a happy one :)

Jason Veevaert

And with this show the whedonverse went gently into that good night, the transmission at its end, but always alive in the souls who loved and were impacted by these amazing character :)

Jared Scoggin

Such a great show. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It's been really fun rewatching the series with you. And a good example of a filler episode that actually has huge implications on the plot when revisited is Haunted, when Echo gets imprinted with the dead woman, thus giving us a peek at the bigger picture. Because the rich people realized they could use this technology to basically live forever or even just upgrade their body for a better one. When you rewatch the series you'll see a lot of small things that you didn't notice before that hint at Rossum's real plans. Also, if you haven't already, I'd suggest watching the commentaries on your DVDs. They offer some good insight into the story.


That little girl is the same girl from Epitaph One, just at that age one year can make a big difference.


Such a great show. But so hard to explain to people. You try to give a premise and its 'Eew, that's icky...consent...etc. Now I'm leading with 'What is your personality...Why is your personality'. Then they get smart and quote Drax. Which becomes pointed, when you consider Gamora found the soul stone! How did I get here?


watching this again I have a lot of problems with it, but it was still enjoyable. For one thing personalities that were wiped weren't latent, they were taken out of the brain, so how could that bomb restore original personalities? Also that is not a big enough bomb if this is a world wide thing.


I really only enjoyed the Finales of this show, because the show normally really bothers me and just makes me sad for them.

Ray D

I love dollhouse. I’m of the opinion that it’s better than Firefly and might even be my favorite Whedon show. All these questions Joss was asking about technology and where it’s going back in 2009 are only becoming more relevant. It’s a show that really makes you think. And I feel like it tells a very complete story in its two seasons and everything ties together. I don’t think we needed a third season (although I would have taken one). I always tell people that before they watch epitaph 2 that they should watch epitaph 1 again. Those two episodes play like a movie. They actually mention in the first epitaph that Alpha is good now and on there side. That’s a story that they never got to tell though. But honestly this show had it all, it’s thoughtful, gives us a great female lead character, gives us so many Whedon favorite actors, gives us an amazing twist at the end (Boyd being the founder), gives us maybe the best love story in the whedonverse (victor and Sierra), and gives us a satisfying conclusion. It’s really really great.

BOO (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 11:43:12 I love this show and I'm so glad that you not only watched it but enjoyed it as much as we do! I'm glad Joss got to wrap up his story but imagine if we had been able to watch it develop at the proper pace! This was a bit rushed but like, the plot and the characters on their own are so good, I honestly love them all <3
2019-09-11 07:59:15 I love this show and I'm so glad that you not only watched it but enjoyed it as much as we do! I'm glad Joss got to wrap up his story but imagine if we had been able to watch it develop at the proper pace! This was a bit rushed but like, the plot and the characters on their own are so good, I honestly love them all <3

I love this show and I'm so glad that you not only watched it but enjoyed it as much as we do! I'm glad Joss got to wrap up his story but imagine if we had been able to watch it develop at the proper pace! This was a bit rushed but like, the plot and the characters on their own are so good, I honestly love them all <3


I finished the show along with Shannan and ... 😟. 😰😟😟