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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k0hjjpkakvgy2fj/Veronica%20Mars%20%282019%29%20S04E01%20-%20Spring%20Break%20Forever%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Thomas Hansen

Veronica and Piz weren't together for that long. According to the movie, they broke up just after season 3 and got back together a year or so before the movie. Feel better now? ;)


Yay! Going to be a few hours before I can watch though. Looking forward to it. Thanks!


I have always had Veronica Mars on my list of shows to watch. Currently catching up with the show rn (1x17)

Amanda Logsdon

So far so good, only seen a few episodes, they seemed to capture the feel of the original show so I'm hopeful going in.


A couple of days before the season dropped Kristen Bell gave an interview where she said, "I will play this character well into the Murder She Wrote years. Until everyone in Neptune is dead." I hope this happens because I love this show.

Loves Bitca

I don't know if you read the books, but did you catch that the dog's name is Pony? Veronica finally got that pony she was always asking for.

Loves Bitca

I love that Keith has really warmed up to Logan and seems to like Veronica being with him now. Course Logan saving his life probably has a lot to do with that. Also that Logan and Wallace are friends now.

Loves Bitca

Jackie was Wallace's old girlfriends name. I liked her too, and wish they would have said that she came back and that was his wife now. Or the blonde he dated even. I just would have kind of liked it if it was someone we knew already.


Some details on this series are explained on the books. The new sheriff, Pony, Logan and Veronica new status quo.

Dontrell Durant

Wait, season4? I must have been sleep. I don't remember seeing you react to any of this.


Looks good so far and yeah I will be watched it through your reactions.


Pretty sure she saw this before she even started her reactions.

Chris (darkwater)

That bit on the beach was prime Veronica/Logan :D

Loves Bitca

More technically why there is no sheriff and that it is now a police office, and a chief of police rather than a Sheriff and Sheriff's office.


TIL Australians call "football" "soccer" like americans! Or "futbol" I guess