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Angel Garcia

i love this episode for really shining a spotlight on how brave fred is. And also for that fred/angel kiss their friendship was adorable in the early episodes of the third season especially fredless episode. it always felt Fred was placed in the back ground of the action because of how small she was but there are moments in few episodes where shes proved shes as brave as the rest of them even if she isn't as psychically strong


Dallas, November 22, 1963? Ozwald? Not ringing a bell, huh? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FCqjClIxuU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FCqjClIxuU</a> Anyway, Jasmine is super creepy. They should have had her born with more episodes left in the season so that they could spend more time fully laying out the unsettling utopia of enslaved love and peace before having the "good guys" get cured.


Despite Buffy's deeply held belief that she has a "Mystic slayer immunity" to such things, I do believe she would succumb to Jasmine's influence.


I think Buffy would have succumb but something inside of her fighting it and would have woke up. That my theory anyway, Great reaction, look forward to the next one. I forgot they sang in this eps, must of block it from my mind.


Buffy was affected by the creepy sexual assault jacket at the start of S7, so I'm pretty sure she would be affected by Jasmine. Aside from increased strength/durability and fast healing, I don't think "slayer immunity" actually ever does much for her over the course of the series.


Did anyone else have to download this one?


One of the things I actually like about Season 4. Fred gets a few fights here and there that show her as at least a competent fighter. Not on par with the rest of the Angel team...but probably on par with Xander or Dawn lol. Also watching young Amy Acker in Angel is so weird when you consider she has built a career around playing a badass spy in multiple roles.


Great episode. It is super suspenseful, and Amy Acker shows why she's one of the best in the business. I love Fred so much.


Someone else already explained the reference to Nov 22, 1963 in Dallas, but to expand on it further: the JFK assassination is a favorite topic of conspiracy theorists in the U.S. In particular, such theorists point to the fact that according to official reports, a bullet (fired by Lee Harvey Oswald, who according to official reports was the sole shooter) struck and killed JFK, exited through the hole it made in his throat, and went on to hit John Connally (the governor of Texas, who was nearby). JFK-assassination conspiracy theorists have nicknamed this bullet the "magic bullet" because it allegedly went through one person and hit another while remaining largely intact. These theorists believe there was another shooter who fired a second bullet immediately after/before Oswald. Jasmine tells the conspiracy theorist bookshop owner that Oswald in fact acted alone, implying that the "magic bullet" scenario could actually happen. And in fact, in the world of Angel, it clearly can because that's how Fred gets Jasmine's blood into Angel's system.

Jason Veevaert

When Whedon brings a firefly alumni on another show he really does not mess around!

Timotey Kuhn

7:52 *starts whistling theme song to "Jeopardy" while Shan spends time looking up actor's name*... LULZ.

Timotey Kuhn

21:46....*starts whistling "Jeopardy* again while Shan leaves the room* ... ;)


How old were you when you realized you could track like this? I don't know. Five, six. We didn't exactly celebrate birthdays in Quor-Toth. Holtz made up a game so I could practice. What do you mean he'd hide things for you to find? Kind of. He'd tie me to a tree and then run away. What? You know, so I'd have to escape and then find him. One time it only took me five days. Five days. He abandoned you... Connor, that's terrible. That's— Why I'm so good at tracking. Fred rested here for a while. It's just a miracle Connor wasn't more malicious than Angelus.


Mm-hmm. And that's the Connor I tend to think we were supposed to see all along--abused and tormented by the people who were supposed to love him, and who he was expected to love.


well to shans point with buffy realizing something was off with dawn and even Jonathan in his alternative reality, buffy was affected but soon realized Jonathan's fake reality was infact fake, you brought up the early season 7 episode of buffy when she was effected by the young highschool guys jacket well again she realized something was wrong she ended up realizing she was under a love spell when dawn tried committing suicide


Yeah, there's no question Buffy would've succumbed to it.

Annie R. James

Yeah, I tried that already. Thanks, though. Guess this is one I won't be seeing, except maybe the edited version when it shows up on YouTube.


And that’s not getting into how his “relationship” with Jasmine through most of the season is statutory rape and pretty much grooming


And Angel makes it worse. Instead of being angry with his "dearest friend" who tells him that she still loves him for having sex with his emotionally damaged, confused teenage son, Angel treats Connor like a rival and kicks him out in the middle of an apocalypse.

Chris (darkwater)

A Sea Breeze is Lorne's preferred drink I believe. "perpetual sea breeze" as in never ending drink. :)


Plus grapefruit juice. :) I was Lorne for Halloween once, many years ago.

Ron Fehr

Hey Shan. There's definitely an age difference between us. Remember the guy in the book store talking with Fred. I first saw him in the movie 'Speed' with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock (before your time I bet).

Ron Fehr

I'm thinking that Buffy wouldn't be able to sense Jasmine's peculiar behavior because Buffy hadn't seen her yet.

Ron Fehr

Dallas, November 22nd, 1963 is a reference to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, then president of the United States. The belief among a large majority is that Lee Harvey Oswald 'acted alone', meaning he had no co-conspirators helping him kill the president.

Ron Fehr

The title of this episode 'The Magic Bullet' is also a reference to one of the shots that Lee Harvey Oswald fired. One shot not only hit the president, but also the governor of Texas, who was riding in the limousine with him.

Richard Lucas

I’ve never had a problem with Conner. Or Riley. Or Dawn. Or evil Cordy. The only Buffyverse character I just can’t stand is Kennedy. She doesn’t completely ruin Buffy 7 for me, but damn it’s close.