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If youve seen any Man in the High Castle, the actress who plays Gwen is the lead in that.


Just realised the bit about Angel being good at drawing is a callback to Passion where he left drawngs of Buffy and Joyce as 'gifts'


He was drawing Darla a bunch back in season 2 also.


Gwen is played by Alexa Davalos. I'm not super familiar with her, but she was in The Chronicles of Riddick which is how I recognized her when I first watched Angel.

Chris Peacock

I love Gwen. I wish she had been around since season 1. Such a great character.


Holy shit, after seeing this ep multiple times and the mortal combat reference never occurred to me. Impressive shan.


Amy Acker is a god damn genius of an actor.


yeah, I like Fred been in charge as well. She has grow so much from the first time she was in.


The older guy you recognized when we first see Gwen as an adult plays the father on My So Called Life.


Gwen is a fun character and Denza is genuinely creepy.


I never bought Cangel being this epic love and it's even worse on rewatch. It's so forced and Angel and Cordy both act so OOC because of it and it ended up consuming too much of the show and dragging it down. I do love Gwen though, she reminds me a lot of Faith actually.

Patrick - Excelsior

The big one in this was Little Gwen, she was played by Megan Corletto. Who was in Charmed - That '70s Episode (1999) where she played little Piper, the one you thought was so cute.


"Gwen is a fun character" That's exactly what I was gonna say.


I haven't seen it, but I noticed that she was in Clash of the Titans as well.


It really affects me whenever Fred is upset.


New love interest for Angel?


Gwen got Angel's blood pumping=love. Mere mortal men just get a skipped beat or a slight increase in...

Alexis Cardarella

I love Gwen! I love her origin story. Amy Acker pulled my heart strings in this episode


For me, the kissing moment, apart from Angel feeling alive again, it's also Gwen's first time experiencing human contact, and wanting to feel that. It's a (literally) charged moment for both of them.

Andrew Pulrang

Band name: "Unholy Fruit Basket."


Yeah, I think the Cangel is why I've had a hard time connecting to this run of episodes. Not, like, disliking them. I just find it hard to invest. I'm much more interested in the Connor stuff (I buy that Angel, you know, is worried about his son who has been badly manipulated), and I felt like it deserved some screen time that it hasn't gotten... like, really, he should be more sympathetic, given his backstory, but all we've seen is the immediately plot relevant stuff that isn't exactly kind, while we get a lot of one-offs and random things about Cangel. Which--maybe it's just me, or us--doesn't interest me much and seems to really skew the characters.


Weirdly, this was the first episode I ever saw of "Angel." I was late to the party on the Buffy-verse, and it was already on two different channels. I decided randomly to watch "Angel" one night and this one didn't really inspire me to go back for more. I didn't go back to watch through until after I saw season 5. (Buffy ended the year earlier, and it left a big hole in my life. ;p)

Crap Writing Co.

Uggggggggggg; I'd forgotten about Alexa Davalos being in this.......and that leatherrrrrrrrrr......whew boy