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Patrick - Excelsior

So, the gang is now learning what’s going on from Diana? Ok. And another MoW. When you shoot deer they more often then not, run away. Most deer hunters have to track the deer they shoot for hundreds of meters, sometimes even kilometers. I don’t hunt but a vast majority of the people I know do. It’s VERY popular in Michigan. It’s necessary, due to the severe reduction in wolves in Michigan. Without hunting the population of deer explodes and the deer destroy farmlands, some die of starvation leaving dead deer everywhere causing diseases. Even with hunting the population in Michigan of deer is over 2 million. OK Shan, “I am Groot.” Is one way to go. I personally prefer when the guy was running away, “Now don’t be hasty little Hobbit.” Not surprising that Monroe is empathizing with the Tree Monster. He is just too nice a guy. But I also like Wu’s attitude, screw it, I’ll burn that thing down. Wu definitely isn’t a tree hugger, especially not this tree. Ah, put Rosalee in danger and Monroe is ready to make kindling out of that tree. So another MoW episode done. Sure, it had some good humor in it but very little, if any, main plot advancement. Not a fan of this. I mean there are only 4 episodes left damn it.