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Just James

That ice cream in the kitchen scene. Max has his very own “Terminator” except he’s old, bald and lives in Hollywood. It was nice of Max to show up and ruin his life, I can’t imagine how hard it must be, never having to struggle with all his millions of dollars and every thing any human could ever want. Maybe I missed something or maybe he could try giving something back instead of taking.


1. You about the order of the credits in the intro: "It's interesting that Max isn't first ....Why is that?" .....Yeah does it have anything to do with how he's an alien??? Are the creators of the show racists or something?? Did we just start a new alien conspiracy theory? These are all questions 2. Oh ok... The parents just full on went along with Isabel's insane idea to marry a guy she met 3 months ago ...Sure ....I mean I guess we shouldn't be surprised about this ...Max and Isabel's foster parents have shown to be very flakey people when it comes to parenting their kids ...added later... I feel like they should be MORE. against it and not be so scared to put their daughter into place ....An 18 year old has NO. business getting married 3. After finishing typing note 2. .....The mum steps in and is CLEARLY. not fine with the marriage ...So why is she going along with it anyways??? What kinda dirt does Isabel have on her parents that would allow this 18 year old to get away with this kinda shit ..........Oooooohh right... It's probably the whole "them being flakey" thing right?? ..Right 4. Froots.... Has a girl friend of yours ever jokingly annoyed you so much that the only way you figured you could shut her up was by yelling "Stop it" following by you kissing her on the mouth???? .......I'm just asking ...Cause that's what Liz JUST. did to Maria and I'm so confused now 5. I mean..... In THIS. situation I suppose I CAN. see why Michael and Max would be telling Isabel NOT. to tell Jesse about her alien origins .....She's legit been seeing Jesse for 3 months ...You've got to be an absolute fucking nutcase if you're getting married after only knowing a guy for that short a time .....They really turned Isabel from being the smart one into being a total dumbass .....Like... The only way this would make sense is that she's doing this out of spite ....She's continuously being told she can't have a relationship and all that ...So she's making stupid decisions just to "get at them" ....That HAS. to be it ...Cause if it ISN'T... Then they just ruined her character for the sake of giving the actress something to do this season ...Cause she might aswell just have left to college like they said she was going to last season 6. Ok so this guy has to do everything Max says? .....Max needs to change his name to Simon ....This could be fun 7. Stares blankly at screen .....What!?! ...Alien Guy walks up to General Dude who apparently he's good buddies with and basically goes: "Aaaaah!! Whatsup!?!" and kisses him full on the mouth?! ......Ok ...Seems Note 4. has come back around and this time it's guys doing it ....Froots I can honestly tell you ...This is NOT. a thing that happens between 2 dudes who are friends (at least not that I'M aware of) .......But what's with all the weird kissing going on this episode?? ....Was the director instructing the actors to do it for the lols??? ....Was there a bet going on on set? 8. Isabel makes it clear to Max that it hasn't been 3 months ..That it's actually been 4 months since she met Jesse.... Oooohh ook.... It's been 4 months now since she's met Jesse??? .....Yeah nah... Alright that makes it all better ....Everyone calm down... It's cool .......Yeah nah they really fucked up Isabel this season ....Y'know what.... I know what it is .....Her I.Q. points apparently resided in her hair ....She cut said hair and evidently turned STUPID. 9. Max to Isabel: "Just don't make any more plans until I get back" ...Isabel: "Stop it.. I am not a child!" ...Max: "Yeah well you're acting like one" .....Isabel hangs up on Max .......Aaaaaand you just proved his point you dumbass .....An adult WOULDN'T shy away from confrontations 10. Aight Mum! Yeah tell your daughter she's making a mistake! Finally some good parenting! .....Also Isabel... You don't see ANY. reason that your mum is against this marriage??? ......Really??? .....None?? .........high pitched voice..........Really?? 11. Also.... Where is the dad??? ....Look... I just made a JOKE. about him dying at the restaurant in the notes for the previous episode ....I wasn't ACTUALLY. expecting it to happen ....Did he just up and leave after he heard his little girl was making a stupid ass mistake??? ......He's a lawyer ....Is he writing up some papers right now to legally declare Isabel insane??? ....Where is he???? 12. I mean... Sure perhaps it IS. selfish of Max to tell the guy to shape-shift and get into the ship ....But... I can totally understand Max's side and WOULD. do the same thing in a heartbeat ....Ask yourself this Froots ....If you love someone ...Would you be willing to screw other people over to save the person you love? ....If the answer is no or if you're even hesitant to do so ...Then you don't love that person ...Not enough anyways 13. Yeah Michael strolls into the Evans house with an EXTREMELY. dirty looking bowl cause he promised he'd give it back .....Dude?? It's common courtesy to clean it before you give it back ...Don't be gross! 14. Isabel to Michael: "Michael your opinion means as much to me as Max's... You're like a brother to me" .......Oooh reeeeaaaalllly?? You hung up on your brother earlier cause he didn't agree with what you were doing and told you to wait until he got back ......So what you're saying is their opinion doesn't mean SHIT. to you 15. Max to Liz: "I'll never leave you Liz" .....Ok so you're just NOT. gonna tell her that you almost DID. leave her??? ....Aight