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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6zksm7oulsq5ytyckas23/Echo-S01E05-Maya-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=s0pe1bnoq69weegqbyai32ks5&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

I don't think she shared the powers with the other two, they are descendants of Chafa as well, I think they just accessed the powers as well because all three were in need at the same time. As for what she was doing to Kingpin, I think she was trying to heal the damage his father did to his mind that made him so violent and rage prone. But Kingpin didn't want that so he fought it. Only time will tell if it worked. I liked her costume, but being a fan of Native American clothing, I do wish it incorporated a little more color. I get why they didn't, they were trying to stick somewhat to the color of Echo from comics, who has a somewhat Daredevil look. But still, just a tiny bit here and there would have been nice. The Native American aways have such a variety of beautiful color in there costumes.