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Patrick - Excelsior

Well, we can see why Rick is sheriff. Quick draw McGraw. As a sheriff this might not be the first time he has shot someone. Crashing into a large body on the road can result in a car crash. Humans are heavy and do a massive amount of damage. I live in Michigan, where in 2022, there were 58,984 vehicle-deer crashes. 11 resulted in death to the driver.


Luckily in Lori's case, if she had died, she would've still gotten up and walked away.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Carl: "I thought I'd find her... That maybe she was hiding in a tree and I'd bring her back" ....This little shit ...Trynna act tough ....Bish... You haven't left the farm since she disappeared ...The only way YOU. would have found her if you'd have gone played hide and seek with the other kids ...Oh wait ...There ARE. no other kids ...I wonder why that is 2. You wondered if Carl might have had a little crush on Sophia ....We can't be sure ....But I think when you're a kid and you're thrown into a world where the chances of ever meeting other kids is probably slim to none due to the whole walker situation ....A "crush" probably develops faster ....I'm assuming you're right and Carl DID. have a crush on her ...I dunno how it is for girls that age ....But having BEEN. a BOY. that age ...It was easy to get a crush on a girl ...Or maybe that was just me ....Not that I ever did anything with that nor was it the same as love ...I found out much later that rejection hurts and I'd rather die alone and heartbroken than ever going through that again ....I guess Carl is spared from that in a way 3. Andrea: "We bury the ones we love and we burn the rest" .....Ok you lazy c... how about you show some respect to Hershell's family and friends?? You can't be bothered to dig a few extra graves??? ....UGH.. This woman 4. Yeah it's a bit of a surprise that with all the gunfire going on during 2x07 a horde of walkers didn't show up ...Like... Not even ONE. walker came out to see what all the fuzz was about??? 5. Shane... You're yelling at Dale ...Be careful.. Someone might hear you (someone SHOULD. hear you) 6. Also ...Stop bragging to Dale how YOU. opened up the barn ....YOU. also just stood there with your tail between your legs when Sophia came walking out ....You're a wuss ...You think you're the shit but you're not even the fart 7. I can understand Carol... Not thinking Sophia is really her little girl anymore ...When my parents died I said goodbye to them BEFORE. they died ...NOT. after ...Cause AFTER. they died they weren't them anymore ...Just a lifeless body ....Maybe that doesn't make sense to you ...Maybe it does ...I dunno ...But I've gone through this several times ...If you're in this position and you CAN.... You WANT. to make SURE. you have your goodbyes said before a person dies ...It's much better that way ...It'll give you some sort of peace of mind ...And Carol can't really say goodbye anymore since it's not really Sophia ..Her little girl left a long time ago 8. I like the fact that Dale didn't outright tell Lori that Shane killed Otis but INSTEAD. said he BELIEVES Shane killed him ....I feel like that even though he KNOWS. the truth it was better to take the slow route ....Perhaps this way Shane's "loved ones" for lack of proper wording will be more receptive to the news .....Dale is a smart guy 9. You: "Tell her a bit more... The ...Aiming at her husband" ....Nah I think Dale has said enough for now ...I think IF. he would've told Lori that he ALSO. saw Shane aim a gun at Rick that Lori would've accused Dale of making shit up ....I think this was the right amount of discussion to ease Lori (and hopefully the rest of the group) into seeing Shane for who he really is ......And maybe that sounds manipulative... I dunno... But is it really a bad thing when what you're telling someone and preparing them for IS. the truth? 10. D'awwww.... Maggie said she loves Glenn... CUTE. 11. Good job Lori ...Reading a map WHILE. you're driving ...Now you're in a ditch ...You should've asked someone else to go fetch Rick after Daryl told you off ....You're preggers ...You shouldn't be getting yourself in situations like this ...You could've died ...And you don't walk away from tha....... Actually ...Never mind 12. Maybe Dave should go to Storybrooke... It's pretty difficult to find ...added later... Never mind ...He dead 13. Yip... Those WERE. people not walkers ....People are MUCH. more dangerous in this world than a bunch of walking corpses ...Everyone's survival instinct has been dialed up meaning everyone will screw you over if you're not part of their group