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Patrick - Excelsior

Well, they addressed Juliette's feelings about Nick/Adalind a little bit with her saying they needed space. Hmmm, breaking mirror 7 years bad luck, mirror fixes itself, 7 years good luck? Nope, it means hand reaches out and chokes you, Ok. Hmm, Juliette vogued, she hasn’t don’t that since she was healed by the stick. Lester! Are we going to get a Jefferster song this episode? Well, at least I’m happy. Sorry Shan. You mention Frankenstein, the dude with the crutches is named Shelley, as in Mary Shelley maybe? The woman that wrote The Modern Prometheus (1818) aka Frankenstein. This episode opens with the quote, "No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness." This is from 'A Vindication of the Rights of Men' by Mary Wollstonecraft who also happens to be Mary Shelley's mother. Nice catch Shan on Victor’s name from Victor Frankenstein. "He's alive! He's alive!" Haha. "It's alive! It's alive!" copywrite strike. I thought the episode was OK. Nothing special. I would like to see more emphasis on the final storyline here. If they have to do MoW’s, make them apply somehow to the main story.