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Patrick - Excelsior

Well, I’d like to say that I requested Grimm all those years just so you could get to and appreciate this episode. But …. Ah hell, lets just say I did, true or not. Lol And to think your favorite episode of the series is a Monster of the Week. 2 of them in one episode, the blue devil and Renard’s child kidnapper. At first, I thought there was some spell on that leaf Renard picked up to make him forget about Diana. But nope, he just knew how this was going to turn out. Advantage of an OP daughter. The scene with her sitting there flicking her hand about, slamming the dude into the walls was both scary and hilarious. Scary in that she really seemed to enjoy torturing this guy she never met before but funny in that, he deserved it for using an ‘innocent’ child as a pawn to attack a parent. So definitely at least some Juliette is back in Eve. The way she told Diana she does hurt over losing Nick. That's sad. But luckily there is lots of silly in this episode to counter the sad. The best part for me though was Hank, singing ‘Let’s Get It On’ … to himself. That’s so wrong, but soooo funny. Then he walks in the hallway and sees someone else he loves, only to turn out to be him in another mirror. The time displayed on the clock cake is 6:07, this episode is season6 episode 7. Now you know I have always been very tolerant of bad special effects, but that dude falling off the cliff was BAAAD. I mean REAL Bad. Wile E. Coyote looked more real, falling off a cliff. So bad I almost think it was intentionally made bad, just to counter the fact that the guy just died on screen and make that comical too. I feel a little bad for Juliette in this spell. She was already in love with Nick and now the spell just adds to that. There has to been some lingering effect even with the spell gone. Bringing back those old feelings even stronger. I absolutely loved your reaction, if the show didn’t already have me laughing, you certainly did. So funny seeing lose it. I’m so glad you enjoyed this so much. Maybe it makes up a tiny bit for all the bad MotW we have had so far this season.