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Reports of contaminated soda aren’t common, and Skye isn’t worried about the latest one. What could go wrong with the last soda in the box?

Soda’s not for Babies

“Oh come on Skye, it’s not that weird”

The pink snow leopard looked at her friend with a sigh “Not that weird? You’ve heard of a recall of an entire stock of soda before Faye?”

Faye paused to think “I mean… no. But I’m sure it must have happened!”

The two friends looked back at the newscaster on screen and watched the rest of the headlines pass by. They’d been roommates since college, both now working the same boring office job and getting by. Faye grabbed at her own snow leopard tail, gray and white with the typical black round spots like the rest of her fur, and curled up around it.

“Think the stuff we have in the fridge is ok?”

Skye thought for a second “How long have we had it?”

“Couple of days, there’s one can left”

The pink snow leopard sighed “Well there’s no point in giving back just one can. The rest of the six pack was fine anyway.”

She got up and stretched “On that subject, I’m gonna go grab it. We’ll just remember not to pick anymore until they’ve resolved whatever the issue is.”

Faye nodded and went back to watching television, leaning back on the sofa and getting herself more comfortable. Skye made her way to the kitchen, walking to her fridge and grabbing the last of the soda from out of the cardboard box it had been packed in. She gave it a look over to make sure it didn’t look unusual and then pulled the tab.

She looked inside, the dark liquid sloshing around. It didn’t smell any different, it wasn’t flat and as she shrugged and took a gulp she didn’t feel like it tasted any different either. A chuckle came from her muzzle as she made her way back to the sofa.

“Nothing to worry about…”

Faye had turned the channel over to a soap and had started to check her phone “Man, people are really going off about this stuff… all sorts of weird reports of what the soda does”

Skye shrugged, taking another swig “Like what?”

“Got one guy here saying he’s lost height and his face ID doesn’t recognise him anymore. Got another who says her kid is wetting themselves and acting like a toddler.”

A chuckle came from Skye’s muzzle “Wow, that sounds ridiculous. What does it make you age down or some…”

Her eyes suddenly went wide as she felt an unusual tingling in her abdomen. It started as a fizzing feeling, like pop rocks were going off in her tummy. Then it started to make her hair stand on end.

“Are you alright Skye? You look kinda… Oh my god!”

Faye leapt off the sofa “You’re… you’re peeing!”

Skye looked down at her crotch. Sure enough, a large wet spot was slowly spreading across her midsection, her trousers slowly getting wetter and wetter. She wanted to move, to get up out of the seat, but the tingling feeling was all her brain was able to focus on.

“I… feel…. Funny…”

Faye grabbed her legs and started to pull her pants free “I knew it, I knew that soda was a bad idea! Quick, come on, we need to get you to a hospital or…”

“No…” Skye moaned “I… I’m ok… I think”

Faye put her hands on her hips as she threw her roommate's pants to one side and tried to get her to move from the sofa “You’re wetting yourself! That’s not… wait are you getting… smaller?”

Skye looked at her arms. They felt like they were moving up her shirt, heading towards the sleeves. She stayed stock still as her eyes fell below the collar of her shirt, only seeing the bright light of the room again when she felt Faye pulling it clear of her head.

“Oh my gosh… you’re… you’re”

The pink fur and cute body of the college graduate had been replaced by a chubby and fluffy toddler. Her tail curled around her waist, seemingly doing the best it could to hide the accident she’d had.

“Faye… I don’t feel so good”

Skye felt herself being pulled up, her head resting on a furry shoulder as her arms instinctively put themselves around her friend's neck.

“It’s ok, it’s ok. Oh gosh, let’s get you cleaned up from that accident”

The strong feeling of vertigo Skye felt as she was carried to the bathroom was nothing compared to the strange fog that her mind was currently trying to wade through. Emotions and feelings were all over the place, her thoughts constantly turning back to hugging Faye as hard as she could.

“Skye, you need to let go so I can put you on the floor”

She pulled her head away and saw the bathmat she was being directed towards. Her thumb headed to her mouth, the fog clearing slightly as she began to suckle. Faye grabbed a towel and wetted it down before beginning the process of cleaning up Skye’s fur.

“Are you… a baby?”

The confusion on Faye’s face matched Skye’s own as they looked at each other. Skye didn’t manage to think of a response before Faye picked her back up again.

“I guess so. Oh gosh what do I do?”

Skye continued to suck her thumb, digging her head into the soft fur around Faye’s shoulder, her roommate beginning to rub the back of her head out of an almost instant feeling of maternal instinct.

“It’s ok. It’s ok Skye. I know what to do”

Faye took the towel and wrapped it around her friend's waist, pulling it through her legs and tucking it into the front. The makeshift diaper pushed Skye’s legs so far apart that the snow leopard couldn’t even waddle, her face falling as she tried in vain to get to her feet.

“I’ll carry you, come on we’ve got to get you to a doctor or…”

“No! No doctor!” Skye shook her head.

“Skye we have to! Maybe they know how to help or…”

Crawling as fast as she could along the bathroom floor, Skye grabbed onto her friend's leg and sobbed “I… I dun wanna”

Faye looked down at her now tiny friend, her eyes seeming so much larger on the snow leopard cub's face. They were filled with tears as she clung tighter and tighter.

“Ok… ok.” she picked up Skye and held her close to her chest “I need to get you in some clothes”

Faye carried Skye back towards her bedroom, the little leopard burying her head into her friend's chest as she was taken over to her wardrobe. She turned her head and looked at the now huge sets of dresses, trousers and shirts that would clearly no longer fit her.

“Right… of course.” Faye breathed out and looked around the room “There’s got to be something I can wrap you in or… Ah!”

Her eyes fell upon a discarded tank top, her tail quickly flicking it up into her hands so that she could thread it over Skye’s head. She tied the excess shirt around her little friend's back to keep it up and stop it falling off her shoulders, its bottom coming down just above the toweling that was currently acting as a makeshift cloth diaper.

“There, much better”

Skye looked down, the cyan color of the tank top making her feel strangely happy. The set of emotions she was feeling seemed to be so much more intense than normal, her mind scattering to different places and thoughts as she tried to get some kind of control.

“Fa… Faye… I’m sowwy”

Faye didn’t hesitate to grab Skye back into a hug and lift her back up into her arms “We need to get some things for you. If you don’t want to see a doctor I need to at least keep you safe”

She took her friend out of the room and headed for the front door. “We’ll go to the mall, see if we can get some stuff until we work out what to do next.” she paused as Skye buried her head back into her chest

“And don’t worry, you’ll be ok”


The trip to the mall was tense but uneventful. Each second that passed Faye had been double checking that Skye was still strapped into the passenger seat as snugly as possible. Without a car seat she wasn’t in the safest spot. As she parked in a family spot outside the entrance she looked down at the pink leopard, concern noticeable across her face.

It vanished almost immediately. Skye was sleeping, a small sliver of drool matting the fur around her mouth as she lightly breathed in and out. Faye's frown was replaced with a smile, her body relaxing slowly with each pace she took around the car to the passenger side. Even as she was unstrapped and lifted up, Skye stayed asleep, her head resting on her friend's shoulders and her thumb working its way into her muzzle.

The noise of the mall did wake the kitten as the two of them entered but her eyes could only open slowly. The sensory input of the bright lights and shouty patrons just made her want to go back to being buried in her friend’s fur.

“Oh Skye” Faye sighed “You’re really rather adorable like this, you know?”

She didn’t answer, instead she focussed on an unusual feeling in her abdomen. A twinge that made her open her eyes completely and look at Faye with desperation.

“I… I gotta potty Mommy!”

Faye had to stop in place and take in the last of those words. Had Skye just called her Mommy? Had she said the word potty? She knew what Skye meant, but she took a few seconds to properly match that with looking around for the nearest bathroom.

“Can you hold it Skye?”

The response she got was a sudden warmth coming from the towel that was resting on her arm. It was soaking up an accident, one that her friend seemed barely aware that she was having.

“Oh baby…”

Rather than start walking towards the bathrooms, Faye knew what she had to do. The pharmacy at the end of the mall would have everything she’d need.

“Mommy, I gotta go…”

“Shhh, it’s ok Skye. You already went”

“Wha…” the pink leopard squirmed in place, her face falling as the now warm and sodden toweling around her waist squished against her friends arm. It hadn’t been a big one, but the bath towel was never designed to take in a sudden rush of liquid and was now in desperate need of replacement. She slowly put her head back on he friends chest as her thumb returned to her mouth.

Faye breathed out and smiled as she entered the pharmacy. Skye had called her Mommy, without any hesitation. She felt a confidence she’d never felt before as she strode down the baby aisle, grabbing powder, wipes and a pack of Pawpers for Kittens. She didn’t know how they’d fit but something in her mind was running on autopilot, enjoying the maternal feeling and going with a flow she’d never felt before.

“Oh goodness, she’s precious! How old is she?”

Faye shook herself out of her stupor as the assistant behind the counter started the conversation. Her basket was packed full of supplies, ones she’d barely remembered picking up. Formula and baby food were on top of the other essentials, while a bottle and pacifier were noticeable under a plain white onesie that had been laid over the top of the basket.

“Oh umm… well I…”

The assistant started to put items through the scanner, only half listening to Faye “She’s being very quiet for you. Most of the kiddo’s that come in here kick up a storm!”

Skye looked at the assistant, her mouth trying to move around the fist her thumb was jutting out of “I’m notta… notta kiddo!”

“Spoke too soon” the assistant shook her head “Guessing you ran out of diapers judging by the towel, just head to the changing rooms at the back there”

Faye patted Skye on the back as she took the bag of items from the cashier “Will do! Come on Skye, let’s get you in a fresh diaper!”

“N… Noooo!” The pink leopard suddenly felt another rush of emotions. A feeling of wrongness, like things were going in the wrong direction and she was being dragged away from where she wanted to be.

“Shh… don’t worry, once I’ve changed you we’ll head back home and put on some cartoons. How does that sound?”

Skye was evidently unconvinced by Faye’s attempt to cajole her, her face curling up and as she pushed away from her friend and tried to get free of her grasp “I’m notta baby Mommy!”

“I dunno Skye… You’re acting like a baby right now aren’t you?”

“No I’m not! I’m… I’m…”

Another feeling, this time much more physical than emotional, drew all of Skye’s focus away as she was carried. The bouncing motion she was being subjected to intensified the wobbling in her gut that steadily built as the two of them approached the changing room, her stomach feeling like a bubble was steadily dropping down.

Except she knew it wasn’t a bubble.


The uncontrollable announcement made the other patrons of the supermarket audibly giggle, a few “awww”’s also noticeable among the throng of customers.

“Well let’s get you to the potty then!”

Faye sped up, but Skye realized immediately that this wasn’t going to help her. The jerking motion of her friend's stride just made her feel like she was seconds away from losing control. She could only feel her fists clenching as Faye walked into the ladies toilets, turned towards the stalls and then…


Skye felt her body betray her slowly at first, the toweling providing no real pushback to the accident she was having in them. But Faye stopped as soon she heard the regressed snow leopard in her arm start the process, the moan loudly announcing the loss of control that every toddler experienced on a regular basis.

“Oh baby…”

Skye didn’t hear her friend. She was too busy squirming and trying to move her butt around as the mess continued to come out. She didn’t notice Faye walking towards the changing table even as the final push made her muzzle contort and release a relieved grunting noise.

“All done?”

Faye put Skye down on the table and laid her flat. She didn’t give her a chance to respond, instead going into the bag and taking out the brand new back of Pawpers.

“Definitely glad we came here, imagine if you’d been a little stinker at home! Shame that towel is going in the trash though…”

Skye could only watch as the process of her first diaper change for decades began to take place. Her legs felt like jelly, easily lifted by Faye as she started to examine the damage.

“Yep, that’s not coming back with us. Goodness Skye…”

Her thumb was back in her mouth before she could stop herself, the feeling of suckling calming her done just enough to avoid thinking too much about the feeling on her bottom. She’d pooped herself, exactly like a kitten would. Even when the towel was taken out from under her and cold air wrapped around her lower body she could only mewl.

“Let’s get you cleaned up!”

Faye by contrast was grinning from ear to ear as she grabbed a pack of wipes and pulled a few out to start cleaning up her room-mate's poopy bottom. Yesterday, this situation would never have crossed her mind. But the more she took control of the situation, the more she embraced the maternal instincts she had, the more she wanted to keep it going. Skye needed her right now, and rather than being scared or worried, she felt a feeling of love and care.

“You’re going to be so cute in the outfit I bought, I just know it”

A few wipes later Skye’s fur was back to its bright pink and white, Faye spreading her legs apart in preparation for the first of many disposable diapers.


“Yes sweetie?”

“I dun wanna be a baby”

Faye pulled a diaper clear of the pack and slid it under Skye “Well, I don’t think you get much of a choice…” she let her voice drift off as she checked the crinkling baby garment was properly placed.

“But… but…”

“Don’t worry, you’ve got Mommy haven’t you?”

The words came so naturally to Faye that she didn’t even think twice about them. And Skye didn’t either.

“I… I do…”

As the diaper was lifted up between her legs, Skye felt her body finally fully relax for the first time all day. The sleepiness she’d felt in the car started to return, her arms getting heavier as Faye taped her safely into the confines of the Pawpers before pulling her up to a sitting position.

“Arms up sweetie”

Skye didn’t so much hear the words as just allow them to make her body move. The tank top was removed and the onesie that Faye had bought slipped over her head in quick succession.

“I knew it, you look so precious!”

Skye smiled as she looked down at herself, the pudgy but cute body of a kitten staring back at her. Nothing about it felt wrong, not anymore.

“Sorry, I really need to use the table”

The voice of another customer came from behind them, Faye looking around and picking Skye up “No worries! We were just leaving!”

“Is she ok? She looks a little out of it…”

Faye just gave a wry smile as Skye laid her head on her shoulder again and drifted off to sleep “Just got into the soda earlier and crashing a little, that’s all”

The other customer smiled back, putting the little pup she had in her arms down on the table and grabbing a new pack of diapers from her bag.

“Mine too, guess they just really want the sugar”

Faye opened the door to leave and chuckled “Soda’s not for babies though, is it Skye?”



super adorable!