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Kit is a scout getting ready to collect a very special badge. And at Christmas Time, magic is always in the air.

A Scouts Magical Christmas

Being a boy scout has plenty of perks.

Free cookies, time in the great outdoors, plenty of free survival training and, for one raccoon by the name of the Kit, a place on a very special list.

He had received information about it one day in a letter, sent with a post stamp he’d never seen before. He’d opened it curiously, expecting another simple request to join in a team-building exercise or go on another camping trip. Instead it had come out with the most wondrous sparkling ink, written in fanciful cursive that had immediately made his little heart jump in his chest.

Dear Kit

We’d like to invite you to take part in our mythical creatures and magical events assistance program. Boy scouts around the globe with an exceptional talent and interest in the mystical and fantastical are hand picked by our panel of legendary individuals and we’ve been keenly following your interest in such things.

The first paragraph alone had made him nearly hyperventilate. While most children would certainly get excited by the prospect of being offered such a chance, Kit was positively ecstatic beyond words.

You see, we are immensely powerful as you must know, but there come times of the year where we seek the aid of young men, such as yourself, to assist us. There will be times where you have to take up a particular role within a team, for which we will provide appropriate training and any equipment you may need.

His mother certainly wouldn’t complain if he was getting extra training or equipment. Those things normally cost extra for camp. If they were being given for free it was an easy sell to her.

Please bring this letter to your Scoutmaster with your parent or guardian's signature confirming you would like to take part and we will contact you when we next require your services

Yours sincerely

The Mythic Council

Positively giggling with glee as he ran into the kitchen to get his mother to sign it, the roocoon hadn’t even considered the possible jobs he’d need to take. For him, this was the chance of lifetime, the offer he’d been desperate to get since he joined the scouts.

And a few months later he’d got to find out what the first of those jobs would be…


“Kit! There’s a letter for you!”

The raccoon bounded down the stairs at his mother's call, his pajamas still on and the back of his rather thick overnight pants still poking out the top.

“Did you stay dry last night?”

“Yes Mom! I’m not a baby anymore!”

She sighed and pulled the front of his pants forward as the roocoon took the letter. Finding her son's underwear suitably unsoaked, she ruffled his head fur and kissed his forehead “Good boy, Santa will be proud of you if you wake up dry on Christmas morning!”

He grimaced a little, focusing instead on the contents of the letter. He recognised the cursive script and the strangely sparkling ink immediately, his grin only growing as he began to read.

Dear Kit

A few months ago you confirmed to us you’d be up for helping us with the wondrous and mythical events that we take care of. I’m sure you must be aware that one of the biggest events of the year is just around the corner.

You have been selected to assist Santa Claus with Christmas Day delivery.

He couldn’t stop himself squealing with delight. Santa! He’d get to help Santa!

On Christmas Eve morning, you will be transported by magical sleigh to the North Pole, where you will be given all the necessary instructions and equipment and get to meet Santa Claus himself!

Please make sure to bring anything you’ll need for a night with Santa. Don’t worry, you’ll get your presents (and a very special gift just for you!) on Christmas Morning!

Yours Sincerely

The Mythic Council

Kit had barely finished reading before he was in his bedroom and grabbing his scout backpack. His uniform and other essentials were packed almost instantly, his teddy bear was put on top of them and his sleeping bag was strapped up to the side.

“Someone’s excited?” his mother had followed him upstairs upon hearing bound up them.

“I’m gonna get to help Santa!” Kit was beaming, his entire body virtually vibrating with glee.

“Oh really?!” his mother sounded similarly excited “I’m so proud of you!” She bent down and kissed him on the forehead. “But maybe if you’re still struggling to stay dry overnight you should take one of your…”

“MOM!” Kit felt indignant “I said I’m notta…”

Her paw went to the Goodnites he was wearing and gave them a little squeeze. He noticed the feeling of wetness seep into his fur.


“You got a little excited sweetie, it’s ok” the raccoon was visibly deflated as she pulled down his pajama pants and picked up one of the diaper bags from his bedside table “But you wouldn’t want to have an accident while helping Santa would you?”

Kit looked down as his mother ripped off the sides of the absorbent underwear and disposed of them in the little pail at the other side of the room “No…”

“It’s alright, you’ve been a very good boy this year!” His mother took a fresh pair of Goodnites and handed them to him. “Santa won’t mind if you have to pack one of these. I’m sure he’s used to seeing a few of them before”

Kit took the offending garment and grimaced. Sure, if they were babies, he thought to himself.

“Besides, you’ve still got a night before Christmas Eve. Don’t worry yourself ok?” his mother stood up and opened the door to his room “Just be a good boy and listen to Santa!”

Kit grinned back “Yeah!”


Christmas Eve arrived the next morning with a ringing of bells outside of Kits window. The roocoon couldn’t contain his excitement, launching himself down the stairs towards the door to unlock it.

“Kit baby! Remember your bag!”

Next to the door was the bag he’d packed, all ready for today. His mother must have already woken up.

“Thanks Mom!” he called back, opening the door and looking straight up.

The face of a huge polar bear, his eyes barely visible past his huge white fluff and ruff, greeted him as he stepped onto the porch. The jolly figure of Santa would’ve been noticeable from miles around were it not for the spells the Mythic Council used to hide in plain sight.

“HO HO HO! Looks like my little helper is ready to go!”

Kit nodded vigorously “Uh uh! Thank you so much for letting me help out this year Santa!”

The polar bear crouched down and opened his arms “Come here kiddo, give me a hug!”

Kit launched himself into Santa’s arms, holding tight as he felt himself being lifted into the air, his butt being rested on the polars bear's tummy as he adjusted himself in place.

“Hold on, we’re gonna be taking a sleigh back home!”

The bells Kit had heard on waking up started up again as the large wooden sleigh moved round the house to land on the street in front of him. Cars moved through it as though it wasn’t there, invisible and intangible to the normal world.

“This is so cool!” Kit squealed.

“It’ll be even cooler when we get to the North Pole, so wrap up warm!” Santa winked at the raccoon as he sat him in the seat next to him “Looks like your pants are thick enough already though!”

Kit blushed “I… wet the bed… sometimes…”

“Ho ho! You think Santa hasn’t met bedwetters before?!” he chuckled “You’re like most kids your age, don’t worry about it!”

Kit smiled, his face lifting at the encouragement. Santa ruffled his hair and then offered him a thermos.

“Want to be my helper on the trip to the North Pole?”

Kit grinned “Yeah!”

“Drink up! Then, once you’re all ready, we’ll get going!”

Kit opened the flask and immediately started gulping the thick liquid down. It tasted like milk, but sweeter and more… tingly?

The feeling spread from his mouth down to his throat and stomach. As his body started to process it, he felt the feeling spread further and further around his body, warming it and giving him that tingling feeling all over his skin and fur.


As it reached the tip of his fingers he started to feel them pull together. Before his eyes the digits started to morph and twist, combining together into a single thicker… hoof?


“Ah! It’s working! Don’t worry Kit, I just need an extra reindeer to get us home and deliver presents this year!”

The roocoon could feel his whole body starting to follow suit, his cute t-shirt and shorts unable to stay on as his arms and legs thinned and began to lengthen. He felt Santa’s hands pull his arms up and his legs straight, removing both of the garments and leaving him in nothing but the Goodnites he’d gone to bed in.

“Better leave those on,” Santa muttered to himself.

That decision was immediately justified. As Kit felt the magic start to work its way across his thighs and hips, his bladder gave way and flooded the night-time garment. It expanded and stretched as he uncontrollably began to use it, his tummy getting thinner as he began to resemble a reindeer foal more and more.

“And get something thicker…” Santa noted “Surprised those held up…”

Kit could only blush as he felt the feeling reach his face. His muzzle stretched outwards, his ears flickered and changed shape and he felt his head change to match the rest of the reindeer ahead of him.

“There we are! Now, just to get you cleaned up and into something more suitable for the trip!”

Kit couldn’t respond, his body was still numb from the transformation and his mind was still trying to work its way around all the strange new feelings from his hooves. Unlike his fingers they were hard, stuck in place like someone had strapped them together. His legs, now spindly and thin, were pushed apart as Santa ripped the sides of his Goodnites free of his waist and began to carefully wipe him down with a cloth.

“There there, nothing to be worried about kiddo. Hold still for a sec…”

Kit watched as his legs were lifted up and the thick padding of a diaper was placed beneath him. He recognised that feeling, not too long ago his mother had insisted he wear them to bed, telling him that she was tired of his Goodnites leaking. Only once he’d grown out of the taped undergarments had she given in and gone back to the pull-ups.

“You’re doing a great job kiddo!” Santa patted him down with some light powder before taping the diaper shut over his groin “Now for the flight harness!”

Bells jangled above Kits head as the bright red straps came into view. The first set went over his new muzzle, loose enough to let him talk but tight enough to stay firmly in place. The rest of the harness fell in front of his chest, allowing Santa to pull it round his chest and under his arms. He felt the rest of the soft riding gear being tightened round him as the jolly bear worked to get him ready.

“Now, let’s get you strapped to the rest of the crew! We gave Rudolph the day off, since you were so happy to help out!”

The boy scout was hoisted into the air and thrown to the first reindeer in line. He grabbed the roocoon with his teeth and threw him forward again, each time heading towards the front of the line.

“Wait… Rudolph…”

Kit realized as the last of the reindeer set him down in front of the whole pack that he’d be leading the whole train of reindeer. Each of the bigger ones behind him would be over his shoulder.

“How… How will I keep up?!”

“Don’t worry Kit! You’ll be fine! Just believe in the magic of Christmas, and we’ll get to the North Pole in no time!”

The roocoon could do nothing but believe in that magic. The last few minutes had only reinforced his belief, his knowledge of the world outside the purview of most mortals that he’d been gifted by his scoutmaster. Now he was being put to the test.

Looking up, Kit started to trot. At first he felt his legs wobble, his front hooves instinctively trying to raise themselves up like arms. He tried to convince himself he was just crawling fast, his mind trying to remember how best to speed up the process.

“Come on kiddo, just a little faster!”

The reindeer behind him gave his diapered butt a nudge with his muzzle, Kit getting the message and speeding up to try and get off the ground.

“Good job Kit! Just get ready to jump at the end of the street!”

His legs felt more and more like his own as he charged down the road, with each step his speed was increasing until, finally, he felt the urge to leap as high as he could.

“Whoaaaa! Well done boy! HO HO HO!”

He was flying. Not only that he was leading an entire set of reindeer across the sky with Santa’s sleigh behind him.

“This is amazing!” Kit squealed

“I thought you’d like it!” Santa shouted back, the two of them hearing each other clearly despite the wind and the cold “Just make sure you listen to Blitzen. If we need to change course, he’ll let you know!”

Kit nodded and looked behind him at the huge antlers of the reindeer behind him. He snorted back and smirked “Gotcha covered kid. Just don’t go potty in front of me and we’re good, alright?”

The transformed roocoon blushed and pouted “I don’t need the diapers…”

“Focus!” Santa shouted “Keep up the speed, we need to get to the North Pole to start packing presents!”


As time went by and he continued to run on air, Kit felt himself starting to lose energy. The sun was still shining ahead, but he felt like the North Pole must be miles away.

“Keep it up kid, you’re doing great” Blitzen gave Kit a quick muzzle push on his diaper, reminding him of the task ahead “Don’t look back or down, it helps keep you on track!”

Kit nodded and pushed on, his legs gaining renewed energy from the pep talk “Thanks Blitzen! I can do this! I can…”

Warmth began to spread around the crotch of the transformed roocoon, his brain aware of what that meant even as his body made no effort to stop it occurring. The flood made its way around the diaper, his galloping body ensuring that every part of it was soaked.

“Uh-oh” he heard Blitzen behind him “Santa, the kids gone potty!”

Kit wanted to hide, but even as he felt a blush come to his cheeks at the small giggles of the reindeer behind him, he pressed on.

“It’s alright Kit! That’s what your diapers are for!” Santa shouted back “Don’t worry, we’re nearly there!”

With a sudden jerk Kit felt the sleigh change direction, his body yanked towards the floor as the harness ensured he stayed with the rest of the pack. As he righted himself, he saw the snow covered ground of the North Pole… and lights shining around a huge complex of brightly coloured buildings.

Santa’s Workshop. THE Santa’s Workshop.

Kit forgot about his accident instantly. With a final burst of energy he followed the lights down to the ground and pulled the sleigh to a stop in front of the largest building.

“Oh my goodness he's precious, darling!”

Another polar bear that was as large as Santa came barrelling out of a building to Kits left. Before he could get his bearings, he was pulled into a hug, the bear lifting him free of the harness and putting him over her shoulder.

“Careful dear, he’s just a little one. He’s here to get his Mythic Council badge!”

The woman held Kit back out in front of herself “But he’s so small! Surely he’s just a wee lad that needs a mommy!”

Santa shook his head “He’s got ten years under his belt and no shortage of energy. He got here without a break!”

Kit grinned. Santa had just complimented him!

“But he does need a new diaper. Little guy isn’t quite potty trained yet it seems. I swear they get older every year…”

The grin vanished and a low moan came from Kit’s muzzle at the reminder that his diaper was still hanging off his hips, soaked from back to front.

“Well, I’ll get him changed and ready for the trip out then!” Mrs Claus responded, keeping Kit's muzzle over her shoulder as she carried him back to the house.

“Make sure he gets a good nap too! He’ll need all the energy he can get on Christmas Day!” Santa shouted, the door to the house closing on the bear as his wife took the new reindeer up the stairs of their huge log cabin home. Light jingling came from all around him, the low music of Christmas whispering in the air. Kit yawned, his energy spent from the trip and his new body only just now realizing how much he needed a rest.

“Come on little one. I’ll pop you in a new diaper and you can get a rest before Christmas Day. How does that sound?”

Kit nodded, his eyelids drooping as he was laid down on the table. Even with all the embarrassment of the day, and the strange new form he inhabited, he couldn’t help feeling like this was going to be the best Christmas ever.


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