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A big thank you for supporting the game development!

Your contribution is truly appreciated, and I'm grateful for your help. I hope your reward brings you enjoyment and live up to your expectations. If you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to drop me a message - I'll get back to you as quickly as possible!

Join the friendly discussions on Discord and check out the game's wiki on my webpage: https://patreonwhiteraven.com/wiki. Thanks again for being a part of this journey! 🚀🥰  

Discord - Discord server.

WhiteRaven on Twitter - Twitter

Added: 2024-01
A big thank you for helping me with the development of my games! 

Hope that you are satisfied with your reward!

Wondering about something?
Do not hesitate write a message to me, I'll respond as soon as I have time!

Don't forget to join the party on discord and check out my web page with the wiki!  
WhiteRaven on Twitter.
Added: 2023-10