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tum, a person on the gpd_devices discord server, mentioned that our audience might be tinkerers at heart, and thus prefer to have their ROM even more de-bloated, namely, without Google Apps built-in.

What do you, my fellow users and patrons have to say about this?

Is he right? Do we need a build without Google Apps?




As long as we can still have a build with the Apps. I am not a tinker, and would still benefit from having google apps installed :)


It would be good for people that want it without GApps but yeah as above maybe just have two builds.


Agreed as well to have a build with gapps still baked in though is there a way to update the image without reinstalling?


You can copy the system.sfs, kernel and ramdisk.img from a new build into the partition where you previously installed Android. You can use any installed linux distribution to do so, or use a live-linux distribution of choice. In fact, you can even do it from within the live-booted Android build itself. su mount -o remount,rw / mkdir /update mount /dev/block/nameofdeviceyouinstalledandroidinto /update (For a eMMC install its usually mmcblk0p4, for a USB stick install its usually sda1 or sdb1!) cp system.sfs /update/android*/system.sfs cp kernel /update/android*/kernel cp ramdisk.img /update/android*/kernel umount /update sync reboot Make sure you copied those 3 files somewhere where you can access them, you will need to adjust the paths for those 3 cp commands.