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Vote for which Recent Movie we should watch next!!



I thought guardians would have been their own pick for next week


Tetris got set up

Brandon Brenlla

Why do you guys put MCU films on polls? Like what’s the point? You already know MCU films win. Give other movies a chance.


I want you guys to react to all of them 😭😭


What's the point of putting a MCU movie on a poll when you guys are gonna watch it regardless?


Really.. a poll for GotG3 cmon now. I hope it’s not a poll for across the spiderverse in two weeks. Some movies should be no brainer reactions

Aidan Geverdt

Why is gotg on a poll. I get antman but really?


I do think it’s a bit strange they’re now putting MCU movies on polls. They never used to do that it was just a given that they’d watch them when they came to Disney+. They have to know they’re gonna win the poll 100% of the time lol


Get those tissue boxes on hand.




I mean... what does it matter to you? Just ignore it then, or appreciate the possibility of some completely overlooked underdog scooting in front of a freaking James Gunn blockbuster. Why be bothered about this being a poll when it doesn't change a single thing? Are you inconvenienced by how wrestling does not have persisting effects on our world, too?


dude, you're not supposed to jerk off to this movie

Davon Thomas

Fast X, GotG, and Across the Spiderverse shouldn't be poll movies. Let's be honest. Fast X should be a guarantee watch since ya know y'all watched the other 10 movies connected to the Fast Franchise, GotG is marvel, and Across the Spiderverse is like peak spiderman content guaranteed to win


Rocky 2?


Fast X and GOTG3 seem like a given they would do anyways. I think they need put smaller movies like Cocain Bear with like A The Expendables and Movies like Red Notice which is pretty good but a Netflix movie. Another Good Smaller movie was Megan

Marquis keel

lol Yall knew the answer


Tetris was such a good movie, I’ve been wondering when if you guys would react to it! Even if it doesn’t win this one, hope it’s on the next poll too


They didn't watch the old movie for no reason, I'm 100% sure they will watch it before fall sets in (strike while the iron is hot). Same goes for FFX and GotG3; just a matter of weeks, they just can't do it all at once :)


Obviously the saddest movie of all time

Essa Dashty

Kung Fu Hustle

Bryan Matola

Wow. I was not expecting Guardians to sweep. Figured the other Chris Pratt movie would at least challenge it.


When has a marvel movie even been on the poll? Don’t y’all just usually do them anyways and leave the polls for other stuff?


cocaine bear pleaseeeeeee


Please do Nimona soon, I’ve been wanting more of my fav reactors to do it but only 1 has :’(


Same. I would love to see their reaction. Nimona blew me away.


Guardians is probably my favorite that’s come out recently.