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Poll Rider Reward:

Use this code at blindwave.com/store to get 10% off an order this month: LOVEISLOVE

Uber Rider Videos:

  • The Emperor's New Groove - Movie Reaction

Fortnight Rider Videos:

Raw Rider Videos:

Four-Sight Rider Videos:




Love Ip Man! Thanks guys

Chaos T

"Ip Man" is a really well directed drama that happens to be a great martial arts film.


I hope they one day get around to Kung Fu Panda 2 Electric Boogaloo


Ip Man... finally


We just keep winning


How do they choose the movies? I never see a pool and I would like so much to see some reaction to Brazilian movies, like city of god


At the start of the year they make a post where everyone can write the names of any movies. The polls from there on are mostly based on those movies.


I paid for four sight for this month, then cancelled so I don't get charged when next month comes around. But now it's saying I can't watch the tier I paid for without signing back up with PayPal and subscribing? I already paid for this month! Any suggestions?


You won’t have to pay again, but yes, you need an “active” sub to view. It’s stupid.

Argonian Kamikaze

Did they recently change it? Didn't use to be like this and I've seen a few comments about this lately.


rescubscribe - you won't be charged again until the renewal date. then unsubscribe after you have your rewards, or set a reminder to unsubscribe before the end of the month


Much appreciated Griff and Crab, these answers helped a lot!


What I did when I had four-sight was click on the Uber ride video, taking me to their page and then clicking next week's video until I got the video I wanted


Hope we get Guardians next week now that it's available digitally, but I understand if they way for the D+ drop

Jacob Lowe

You can resub and it won't charge you again, you just have to cancel at the end of the month


@Twistedmango - it’s been that way for awhile, but not always that way. I used to be able to cancel a week early if there weren’t any reactions I was interested in, and watch the last reaction I cared for before my sub expired, without having to resub to view it. I’ve been a patron for around 6 years, think it’s been this way for a year or so. Never liked the change, I don’t think it’s Blindwave that chose this, just Patreon. But I could be wrong.

Maria Hammon

I can't believe how many people do not appreciate all that they do and just support them! You gear your support to the content. Wow. I give monthly and I only watch reactions to things I like, but I don't pull it if they don't have something I like that month! What a bunch of jerks.