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Does anyone else smell gas?…


As mediocre as season 4 is, 5 and 6 are so much worse. I usually can't even get through them with reaction channels. It's worth watching through once if you've made it this far just to see what happens to our beloved gang but it's so hard to rewatch those last two seasons.


That’s what I was gonna say like 5 and 6 overall are very all over the place quality wise but they have some of the most classic episodes in the series, every episode of 4 is pretty forgettable


what won the Ben 10 poll


Season 5 has what may be the best 3 episode stretch in the whole series... and 2 of the best back to back eps. For that alone, it doesn't belong at the bottom. Season 6, while I love it, I get why some dont. Season 4 is a really good sitcom, but not a good Community season. It's easily the worst of the 6.


i super disagree, imo 5 and 6 are really good, especially season 6. I'd argue that 6 is better than season 1 and maybe season 3 as well.


Only season 4 is bad. Season 5 five is excellent and 6 is pretty good

A. Saffari

Season 4 might have it's flaws but I don't think it's as bad as other people say it is. You can feel the absence of Dan Harmon, but there still manages to be some interesting emotional gems in the season. The only thing that bothers me is that they tee up the relationship between britta and troy but barely do anything with it.


I agree, if you keep hearing something is bad over and over again, you're going to start to believe it. If someone didn't watch the show when it originally aired and only seen it after so many people complained about it viewers may not go into season 4 objectively.