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Happy April 1st Everyone! 

Today we continue our yearly Reaction series to One Piece. Now, with our normal one-a-week release schedule, this show would have taken us almost 20 years to catch up on. That's a long time to discover the treasure that awaits us at the end of this show. 

HOWEVER, It's not long enough! It's not the destination that's important, it's the journey! This year saw the advancement of Deep Fakes and AI Language Models, so we are confident that these tools will help in our commitment to react to this series over the next millennia. Thank you for joining us for this thousand year adventure!

Also, we seem to be having some technical difficulties, and all One Piece Early Access and Full Length links seem to be available for every visitor to our website. I would correct this oversight, but it's Saturday and I'm too lazy to fix it. Have a great day! 

Poll Rider Reward:

Use this code at blindwave.com/store to get 10% off an order this month: DADDYPEDRO

Uber Rider Videos:

  • Batman: TAS 1x38 "Christmas With The Joker" Reaction
  • The Sandman 1x9 "Collectors" Reaction
  • One Piece #0003 "Morgan vs. Luffy! Who's the Mysterious Pretty Girl?" Reaction

Fortnight Rider Videos:

  • Batman: TAS 1x39 "Heart of Steel: Part 1" Reaction
  • The Sandman 1x10 "Lost Hearts" Reaction
  • One Piece #0004 "Luffy's Past! Enter Red-Haired Shanks!" Reaction

Raw Rider Videos:

  • Batman: TAS 1x38 "Christmas With The Joker" Full Length
  • Batman: TAS 1x39 "Heart of Steel: Part 1" Full Length
  • The Sandman 1x9 "Collectors" Full Length
  • The Sandman 1x10 "Lost Hearts" Full Length
  • One Piece #0003 "Morgan vs. Luffy! Who's the Mysterious Pretty Girl?" Full Length
  • One Piece #0004 "Luffy's Past! Enter Red-Haired Shanks!" Full Length

Four-Sight Rider Videos:



Matthew Cronin

I forgot all about this really funny joke you guys do


These fellows are sassy today!


Also… what happened to the movie pool?

Angel Groves

"Love is Blind Wave" Yessss what an awesome channel title. That needs to happen. 😂


Yesss one piece day! I was wondering if they would commit to the bit I'm so glad they are

Keyboard Junkie

Great, now I’m gonna have to utilize that same technology to watch their reactions for the next millennia.

Jonathan picanco

Smh it’s unrealistic for anyone to expect them to actually react to one piece. Plus, we have the live action series coming, and I’m positive they’ll check that out. Whether it ends up good or not is another story but I am PRAYING because it would be such a good way to have people who can’t tackle the anime still experience the story in a not as good but still solid way

Chaos T

This April Fools joke will never get old.

Chaos T

The Blindwave AI will be a thing. Our descendants will enjoy AI Blindwave reacting to every April Fools One Piece Day for thousands of years.


Wait...people are actually still/again upset about this?

A. Saffari

I am going to have scientists put my brain in a jar hooked up to an a.i. program so I will also be with you for the 1000 year one piece journey! can't wait till yall hit episode 982, that one slaps

Alex Williams

The one piece live action won’t be anything like the anime it’s best to either read the manga or watch the anime


@chaos this may be the dumbest reply I’ve ever seen. What a terrible joke


it's a good joke, but if it doesn't last a full week like last year, then its gonna be a failure.


How are people are actually mad 😂, you are getting more content from this April fools day joke than if they didn’t do the the joke 😂


Well yeh obviously, but they have never done any show multiple times a week since like 2016


Alex we have no idea what the live action will be like let’s not make declarative statements


I really appreciate being able to see the newest one piece reactions due to this "oversight" since I mainly subscribe for full length rather than the early access generally, with these being the only exception since them being in the future is an entertaining part of the bit

Alex Williams

See I don’t want them to do multiple episodes a week I’m ok with the one episode a week thing even if they never finish it I can still see them go thru one piece dub thru the episodes that I love

Chaos T

It gives me joy knowing our ancestors 1000 years in the future will continue to watch One Piece reactions.

Chaos T

Meanwhile multinational corporations continue to invest billions into interactive AI technology at an alarming rate.

Chaos T

Your want of something isn't relevant. One Piece has been on the poll many times and it hasn't won for many reasons.


U also have to realize April fools day isn’t everywhere


nah it didn't get old, people getting mad at it is what makes it great.


One Piece anime is hot garbage, it's hilarious to see people being mad they're not reacting to it.

Alex Williams

I mean I expect that from you it’s pretty obvious that your just a sad human being

Alex Williams

Yea and that sucks if it ever were to win I wouldn’t mind 1 episode a week but I get why people arent voting for it cause it’s long that’s perfectly understandable and blind wave supposedly doesn’t have the capability to react to one piece because of the length so what I want are two things either react to 1 episode a week or never react to one piece at all


Yeah, it's such hot trash they foolishly made over 1000+ episodes..... You Sir, are a genius 🤣😂🤣


Keep in mind the era it started was flooded with anime that were flooded with filler. One Piece is a lot better if you skip filler. I mean I remember watching Naruto when it was airing in Japan (back before streaming there were sites you could download fan subs each week) and I remember watching the filler at the end of the show before Shippuden and there was over a year straight of it. A guy i used to know and I would talk about it wondering when the hell Kakashi Gaiden would start. Bleach, well over half of it was filler, it's just how that era of anime was. I like the season system much better many of them use now.


One Piece has is one of the most overrated anime’s of all time, HOWEVER it’s one of the best MANGA of all time, maybe Rick+ someone else could do read-along streams on twitch?

Chaos T

Just because something isn't for you doesn't mean it's garbage.


Man I almost forgot about this, time to cancel my membership again as an April fools joke