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Hey everyone,

We are currently dealing with some copyright issues on our website, and for now we will need to make some pages in regards to Naruto, Naruto Shippuden and Hunter x Hunter unavailable. We will reinstate these pages when the issue has resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience, and will update you as soon as possible. Have a great weekend!



anime seems to cause a fuck ton of copyright issues


It does. We know it's annoying that we don't host the reactions on YouTube anymore, but this is a good example as to why we do that.


Was just about to start a re-watch of naruto after hunter x hunter i'm glad I didn't start just yet. Looking forward to when it's all fixed, take your time!


YouTube really should completely overhaul their copyright system it’s been broken for years


Thanks for the notice!


that’s unfortunate guys, hope everything works out well!


Is that why Ben 10 3x11 is still copyrighted? Or is this just for anime and that's unrelated?

Mary Fuller

VIZ media is coming after a lot of reactors recently, hope you guys stay safe!


Good luck, guys! hope you find a way around this!


Only anime. Not sure why they still haven't fixed ben 10


Thank god it was only anime


Ben 10 3x11 is being fixed right now. A mirror is going up while we deal with the YouTube version. Thanks for letting me know. - Eric


I just want to say you guys are awesome. I know you guys experience difficulties like this from time to time and each and every time you guys are working really hard to make sure it gets resolved. Just a friendly reminder you guys are amazing, and the work you guys do is very much appreciated. I've been watching you guys ever since the old lightsaber duels on the old channel, No matter what your videos are the one I've consistently always kept up with. Even through difficult financial times when I could not always support you guys through Patreon I would still look forward to each and every upload even if it was something I personally wasn't into, because you guys are just plain and simply a lovely group. Much love, keep up the amazing work.


Doing naruto 1x a week instead of 2 just means you’ll have to fight crap like this for twice as long…just sayin 👀

A. Saffari

it seems a few of the react channels I watch are having problems with certain anime publishing/media companies. I wish yall the best. I hope it works out for all these channels


not really. is once the episodes are up they still need to fight copyright forever


Yeah this makes no sense lol. Videos aren't randomly safe later

Sheriff Uchiha

Damn, even the full length versions? I know they have audio but with no video, you'd think they'd let them slide.


Supposedly there’s a new bot going around flagging anything with certain anime names in the title regardless of the content and it’s hitting not just websites but patreon as well