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Story Time: We all share food with our pets from time to time, yea? I wanted to Custom Pet food for a while. Once I decided, I thought about the things Chewy (my Dog) gets when I go out. Don't worry, Chewy does have a normal healthy diet. So I am able to treat him from time to time. However, he is very food-driven and a food thief and eats things he really shouldn't. He has the stomach of a goat. 

Next Recipes: French Fries, Chicken Nuggets, & Tacos



  • Pet Sprinkle Donut

  • Slice of Pet Pizza

Thanks 💜 & Thanks to SrslySim's for helping me.


  • May 1, 2021: Donut & Pizza Recipes now Compatible with Patreon version SCCO 3.5 & Updated Public 3.4.4 || They no longer need Andrew's Enabler to show in SCCO's Custom Pet Food Menu. You'll need to re-download them if you're using that new updated versions.
  • May 1, 2021: Added by the prior version until SCCO Compatibility Tuning is corrected



My dogs are the exact same. Lmao.


This is so great! Are you thinking of adding custom food for ALL the pets? Like the cats & dogs, as well as the animals in "My First Pet"? Also are you going to take into account the certain foods that those animals are allergic to? (You could even add a sickness trait to the animal that eats the foods that all animals of that kind aren't supposed to eat; maybe have them be more likely to throw up if they eat it, or have certain percentages for chances of needing to go to the vet and whether they survive. Like if some idiot dog gets into a bunch of chocolate and won't stop eating. 😅 I know dogs are allergic to onions and grapes too. Could make it interesting. Plus something to give to the small animals if you have them, and maybe treats?)


No. I won't be adding stuff for my first pets stuff because there is no way to make custom food for those animals. Sorry.


Huh, I didn't know that. Kind of figures though. Well I look forward to whatever else you make!


This is the cutest thing I’ve seen all week.


This is exactly what my terrible cats steal—one likes glazed doughnuts, the pizza thief isn't picky. This cracks me up!


Chewy is a cool name for a dog. Back when I was in college, I had a friend that had a dog named Chewy. I think he was a german shepherd/chow mix. Big fuzzy dog...looked a lot like Chewbacca would if he was on 4 legs (which, if I remember correctly, she said was the inspiration for his name.)


Chewy is actually named Chewy because when I got him all he would do is chew everything even water. Chewy is a Min Pin, so small not so fuzzy dog.

Russian Succubus

I can't find them, and I have the requirements. Where are they located in the menu?


Srsly may have dropped compatibility for them. I'm unsure. But they would be under the scco make custom menu> pet food on the stove or fridge. If she's dropped them, I will look into a new way to add them.