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Disclaimer: Please do not come to me to complain your sim got sick. This mod was at one point private because some people thought it was a great idea to harass & bully me about it. Condom or no, faithful or no... your sim can and will get sick. This was left open-ended on purpose to try and make the game more interesting and for Storytellers. Be it too much or too little... I never had to release this publicly in the first place and bullying me because of its creation is inappropriate. Thanks.

"Aside from colds and the flu, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are some of the most widespread infections in the world. STIs affect both men and women, and almost half of all STIs occur in people younger than 25 years old. Exposure to an STI can occur any time you have sexual contact with anyone that involves the genitals, the mouth (oral), or the rectum (anal). Exposure is more likely if you have more than one sex partner or do not use condoms." ~ HealthLinkBC 
"A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of your urinary system — your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra." ~ Mayo-Clinic 

Infections Included:

  • Chlamydia 
  • Gonorrhea 
  • Syphilis 
  • Trichomoniasis 
  • Urinary Tract Infection

How It Works:

  • Each Infection will last 3 Sim days and can be contracted from having Sex 
  • Certain Infections have visible (moodlet) symptoms. Chlamydia causes burning when peeing for sims who Pee Standing (Have a Penis). While Gonorrhea will cause Discharge. Trichomoniasis will cause Discharge for sims who Pee Sitting (Have a Vagina). Sims with UTIs will also experience burning when they pee.
  • Sims who have been infected can take Antibiotics 3 times daily.
  • Infected Sims on Antibiotics are protected against collecting more (Except UTI's)
  • Base Chances: UTI's are 30%; STI's are 20% and their Symptoms are 40%

Non-Autonomous Socials & Interactions:

  • [Friendly] Complain About UTI Symptoms
  • [Friendly] Admit to Having an STI
  • [Mean] Accuse of Giving STI
  • STI Antibiotics - Click the Active Sim with the STI to find the Interaction
  • UTI Antibiotics - Click the Active Sim with the UTI to find the Interaction
  • STI Immune Reward Trait (100 Satisfaction)

Mod Requirements:

Thanks 💜



Vita V

I just wanted to let you know that as a sexual health educator who focuses on sexual health education through an anti-stigma lens, the HIV addition is amazing! Your descriptions of these infections are so non-judgemental and normalize them in a way that lessens the stigma surrounding them. Thank you so much for doing this work, whether you know it or not, your educating folx! Let's hope more ppl get tested and feel empowered to get tested or take control of their sexual health.


Thanks. I always spend time researching things before I make them. I definitely try to educate people on the trait or mod I've made as I feel that's important. Especially those who have these very real illnesses or diagnoses. It gives those people a voice that they are people too and deserves the respect someone without illness has. Everyone deserves a chance. Again, thank you so much & You're welcome. 💜

Brian Zaenglein

So going through the various NSFW posts looking for any that I might have forgotten to update, I thought of something. How about Sims-like, unrealistic STI's? Like if you've ever played the Doctor career, the absurd conditions the patients show up with. One should definitely cause hypersexuality. Other than that, I don't know. Rashes, gas, increased motive decay, whatever else you can think of.