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 Another month has passed and I'm here to give you guys a run down of what's happening behind the scenes!

March has been a good month for art. Several art assets like clothes have been added to the game and I've received back 2 commissioned scenes (whoohoo!)

Besides that, code has slowed down just a tiny bit due to some RL work, but luckily we're still on track. No new mechanics have been added this month, but I have been working on coding the inventory more. Which turns out to be a lot more tricky than expected.

Storywise, some major story arcs have been added to the game. Including the social storyline of 2 of the characters.  Not only that, but I’ve also added new quests which help add personality to the different characters you encounter. 

Other games(?):
Making these games has been incredibly fun and many different game ideas have already been brainstormed.

I do not want my blog and my Patreon to just be about Orange Trainer, seeing as they're suppose to be platforms for all my work. Meaning you can expect to start seeing updates on other games here as well.  Now don't worry! Orange Trainer will still be my main focus.

Let's get some community interaction going! What setting  do you prefer for your games?



Gotta go train some elves man

Nekro Bifteki

Elves are nice but i would prefer the more evil dark elves, vampires or demons.


If it was some female Dark elves from Menzoberranzan I can get behind that. Break those evil femdom elves..... LOL


is working on another game going to slow progress on orange trainer? I'm looking forward to seeing more updates in the near future.


problem is, the game sexy dress


sorun olmashı oyun sexy giydirme


do guzleh girl and Star Wars


ve star wars kzı güzlehi yap ben


Dark fantasy