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Another month passes and it has been a good one. I've been able to take time off several weeks in a row and it has benefitted the game greatly. 

I've been able to introduce a new player skill that can be trained when visiting Mandalore, and can sometimes be used during encounters. I've finished Ahsoka's social tree and have been heavily focusing on making the smuggling aspect of the game more engaging.

A bunch of new quests have been added, including one that will introduce the player to an old familiar character from the show.

And last, but certainly not least, we have a bit more background art.
To help speed up art assets for the game, I've approached several artists. Hopefully we'll have new people joining the team soon to help create more delicious art!

Lastly, I want to thank you guys. The supporters. I know I don't show off a lot of art or regularly update the alpha game, but you guys have stuck with me regardless.

Thank you all very much for your support and I'll catch you in the next update.



the demo had something that many other h-games are lacking on patreon, decent writing that matches the original character. What you have is a solid start and I'd be glad to up my pledge as more content rolls out.


Any idea of when we might get another release? Or are you waiting til you get a bit further done with the game to release another?


Yes I am. Instead of drip-feeding the community with tiny updates, I'd like to wait until I have a substantial update. If you have to play through the game again each time there's a new update, I think it will quickly become boring and I want to avoid that.


Sounds good man, excited for any new content you're making for us


Just found this game, and I got to say I like it a lot. Keep up the good work. From what I have seen around Patreon the way your doing it (Release content when you have a good chunk ready to go) is the best way to go.


I'm really liking where you seem to be going with the game, with one exception. I feel like right now, there is no reason Ahsoka would keep playing along with the situation, especially when she's being sent off world for jobs. I know that the main character said he'd move the station if she told anyone about it, but given the fact that she's being sent off unsupervised, there's no reason she couldn't sneak something by him. Perhaps he could tell Ahsoka that he has set up the station to self destruct if anyone besides him makes an attempt to control it? Personally, that would make it a lot more plausible for me that Ahsoka would allow herself to be manipulated like she is. I would really love it if the dialogue were changed slightly to make Ahsoka's complacency truly believable.


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i'm your new Patreon and let me say: You are very gifted and i see your great potential! I hope that the protagonist become a very dark badass Sith that torture the galaxy... and some girls of course ;) It's important, that you can change the name of the Protagonist, this give a immersive boost! If you know Vette from Swtor, the torture scene at the cage? I dream about with a hard sex scene. Vette need pain so much! I think a dark fantasy setting is very very good. Now its important that you post you demo constant at svscomics.com for example. We need more patreon for you!