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Holy moly, I might actually be able to keep up these! Anyone remember the show Married with Children? I used to watch it when I was a kid, and I just remembered why I liked it so much...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

All right, what's new? Well I'll tell ya!

State of the game

So I just got some of the main character models back and they look incredible. Figured I'd give you a taste, so here's Clover. Jodsy has done a great job on these and hopefully I can show some more off in the coming weeks.

Other than that, I've been getting a lot of background art back, which I'll share sometime in the future as well and probably most exciting is the first animation! Currently I'm working together with the Voice Actress and my animator to get the first scene with Alex done and so far it's looking really nice. However, I'll keep that one a secret for now (evil I know).


So what have I been doing in my spare time? More Subnautica, this game really is the best. I'm not big on survival games, but this is the first one in a long time that kept me hooked. Also I just found out that if you honk your horn at the whale creatures, they'll actually honk back at you. How cool is that?!

I'm keeping this update a bit shorter, because a lot is happening right now, and I want to get back to work.  Hope you all are doing well and I'll see you next Tuesday!




I was into Peg, never understood why Al couldn;t just give her a good lay down. Hell he made Ms. applpegate!


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgBu54wvm1Y" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgBu54wvm1Y</a>


The humor alone is worth the show, but I do enjoy these moments. As for the game, Looks awesome! Give a shout if you need a Jerry. Personally looking forward to finding out if ol' Mac Smit is gonna pop up.


Ahhh good old times, Christina or Kelly were one of my first... well lets forget that ^^


Hey, Exiscoming, can you please check the PM? I've written a bit of text towards you, please do.