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I promised you guys last week that we might be getting weekly update posts, so I'm trying to stick to it! So what's been going on this week?

Well I've been busy getting talent on board to help with the game. I now have 3 main voice actresses to voice the girls and the first animation only needs to be synced up with the audio. So that's gonna be fun.

There's already several backgrounds made by the talented Cold Slums. Here's a peak at his work:

Other than that, lots has been going on in real life as well. Fixing up the house, getting more exercise and eating healthier. Crazy, I know right?! I'm also planning a short trip. I found this bus company that will drive you all over Europe for dirt cheap prices. Maybe once I get some free time!

Subnautica and Paladins

Subnautica is freaking amazing. Once a player finishes the game, they can leave behind a Time-Capsule with a screenshot, some items and a little goodbye text. I've found 5 of those so far and they're great. Plus it has the most adorable tentacle monster ever!

Paladins is fun as well, but I haven't been too interested in this month's Battle Pass, so I'm not playing as much. Maybe one match a week. I like how they give you free currency just for logging in though.

Anyways, that's enough rambling on my end. Looks like we've made it all the way through this post without any double entendres! You all take care and I'll see you next week.
