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So... kinda fun update. Akabur found and played my game. If you don't know who Akabur is, check him out here. He's made Witch Trainer and Princess Trainer.

Since then there's been a bunch of new people who joined our little community (welcome y'all)! Some of you asked for a download link to the game. Currently there's no public beta out for it, but there are test versions I do each month. These are normally for Patrons only, but I've decided to upload a test game from a few versions ago for free, so people can have a peak.

When the game is finished, it will be free 2 play for ALL.

I also gotta put some more effort into dressing up my Patreon page. As some have said, it's rather barren and boring (which is true). For now, I'll add a download link in the description of my page. Do keep in mind that this is a test version and probably 'very' buggy.




Cool stuff.


Came here from Akabur am about to checkout your game will update later.


Just pledged today, really like where the game is going. just wondering why i seem to fail all (2 so far lol) smuggler missions, even tried reloading a save from right before i went on the mission and it does not seem to change the outcome


Also, *Note 29-06-2017: Fixed a glitch where Ahsoka would keep wearing her Lekku outfit after coming home. Not a bug, she is cute as hell in that outfit lol


fixed me ship, success! ok now i have a chance with the smuggler missions.


Glad to be here. Pledged a $1 just because Akabur recommended you, played the game for WAY longer than I expected to, bumped it up to $3. It's a bit buggier than Akabur's work, but he also waits several months at a time to post updates so I understand your more frequent updates will come with those. Great work and keep it up!


Quite enjoyable and can see the promise in this game. I can see that you are planning to make a big game and that there is still a lot of work to do. Cant wait for the next update even though I haven't finished it. some scenes do play out of order and sometimes it seems that Ahsoka should be willing to do certain things before others.I noticed a bug with Kat, sometimes when I visit she has no skin. other then those two things I found everything else quite nice. the Akabur type moments when the MC does a forth wall references. all in all good game and good work.


running into a few bugs as i was well warned i would lol. loaded a 0.2 save into 0.3. got the handjob option before i ever got to the track, and the quest to find the hermit on mandalore bugs out and doesn't let you explore mandalore after a few times. Also despite repeated save scumming, we're talking at least 50 tries, can't find the dang hermit to build my harem room.


but nice work so far been playing for over 4 hours lol


just found this game today probably already put 4 to 5 hours in great game. i found a couple of bugs, and a game breaking bug as well. the game breaking bug is i went to go train Ahsoka and it put me into and endless loop of her saying she needs more training and her dialogue about how she is not ready also there are a couple of images that pop up where they shouldnt be first one is the dildo it ended up staying on screen when i went to the map and when i went to the bedroom, the other was later on after i saved Ahsoka it starteed showing her to the right of the screen even when she was in another position and also on the galaxy map. agian great game and loads of potential just thought i would point them out. more info might be i started a new game rather then load one from 0.2


How would you feel if Akabur suddenly decided to help you with this game because he likes it? I think the game's potential would increase even further with his help! What about you guys?


The format is similar to Akabur SC4 game. I played the game for several hours, version 0.2, beyond what is reported before some other bugs are :


Bug1. Looking for the guy to get the plans for the harem room. After the second or third time visiting the planet he is on, the program loses the quest and you can't explore the planet anymore. The second major one is trying to getvthe last part of the password. There is no hint where to go to find it. The one quest i happened upon with the Hutt and how to proceed was shear luck as the merchant previos text indicated there was no more content for that release but there was. There are place were money isn't taken from your account, which is a good bug fir us players. There is a misaing variable assignment for addition to the wine after trying to gift the wine twice. When the first Jedi is working for the slaver there is no indication the wine is additive in the text


I do like the game a lot. My comments are just to point out bugs and inconsistancies tobhelp polish the game. It would be nice on your page to say what are differences between version 0.2 and 0.3. Accumulation of energy is a bit too slow in the beginning. I would like to see helping the republic do more to help and be able to ask the droid how to build up the fleet of the station. I don't see how to increase the influence with the pirates. Some of my observations may become apparent when the status function is up.


On other minor bug. When talking to the first girl you tell her, current name, to get her melons over to uou. This occurs even after you agree to xall the oranges or higher type references. She doesn't seem to refer to her breasts by the name she has with you to call them. When she goes to work on the slaver planet may i suggest her dress includes a collar. Then after she will call herself a slave she doesn't mind wearing a collar and cuffa at the station. Another suggestion, if it isn't too hard to keep track of, is what she becomes willing to do on the planets be reflected in what she will fo for you on the station. Also the place you can get gifts like chocolate most sections needs a plan to implement. Only the chocolate one is made but you can by pizza to give. The other items i bought but they never showed up in the inventory. I am think you're heading to making movies on the station to sell. Is that correct?


Hi there Ohio, thank you for reporting all of these. Large parts of the game are still in development and are only half finished, inventory being the biggest one as I only just started to implement it. For now it's mostly sex scenes on the agenda. Expect the next update to have more art (outfits, items, sex scene, title art). I'm currently also having talks with a 'very' talented artist who's agreed to draw the spaceship for the game. So yeah, good things coming your way!


I haven't seen a game this fun since Princess Trainer. Admittedly, the game is an unabashed copy of that game, but the story is intriguing, the characters are well-developed, and the script is nicely done. How far does the game go? I ask so I don't sit around grinding forever not realizing I hit a loop.


I think a stable version of the game goes up to the Race Track job. In terms of mature scenes, all has been implemented up until handjobs (buttjobs will be in this month's updates). There are glitches regarding the Harem Room Blueprints quest.


Keep up the good work man. We need more quality games.


I came across a bug, where when I went to train, it just kept going in an infinite loop about how they are not ready for this and need more time. Was up to the part where she was working at the racetrack.


I wanted to congratulate you on your work so far in the game, it's a good initial effort and it's awesome that you actually made sure that your early product is fairly functional as a game. I can't support you at this time and I'll tell you why, I hope you'll hear me out. Patreon exists for two purposes: 1. To support creators making things you love. 2. To give money to someone who's just a cool person. At the moment you're gating your creation behind a pledge ledge. It doesn't matter that you're eventually going to release it content complete for free, at the moment you are _selling_ betas of the game on a monthly basis. I can't support that. And you seem like a cool person with a great idea for a game, and that's why I support Akabur and UnknownError, but you've gated all content you've had created for the game behind a paywall. That's not what Patreon is about. I'd suggest looking into the viewing controls Patreon has in place that allow you to make certain posts exclusive to certain tiers for specified time periods. As it stands I'll just have to appreciate the effort as a follower. And everyone else who simply wants to play the game won't think you're a cool guy and go pirate it off the many sites the current version is available on. I like the concept, I think it shows TONS of promise, I hope you'll reconsider why you're making the game and what structure you want to use for rewards.


I only found it cause of one of those sites, but after I played it and I liked the content I did end up supporting it. But his point stands, i'd not have supported it, if I didn't get the opportunity to play it before hand.


Hello there Zieth, thank you for reporting this. Do you perhaps have a screenshot of this happening? It will help me pin down where it goes wrong.


You have to remember that this game is in such an early state that it doesnt have much art for preview. Another thing; people have already ripped the game from patreon and put them onto free download websites. A few clicks and you're there.


Im not endorsing piracy by any means, but if it's something that people care so much about, there's really no ground for frustration or concern.


Funny thing is I found out about you through Akabur, and I love star wars, so this was a win win. It also helps that this is somewhat similar to princess trainer, but different, which I enjoyed a lot.

Maik Decker

fat chance for that, considering how busy he already is with his own project ^^

Maik Decker

I don't think a screenshot will help much, as there is no error text coming up. When Ahsooka is ready to grope and dance naked and giving handjobs willingly, trying to train her gives a kind of "she needs more skill to do that" message which then turns into that infinite loop. And about at the same time, handjobs bug out, too. Instead of the handjob action our hero decides to go to bed.


I came thanks to Akabur, and damn your game is awesome and looks very promising ! You can count on me to follow you and your game, and maybe pledge one day ! Good luck !


Akabur is the reason why most of people are here :D

Booty Connoisseur

Although I've only played the demo version so far, I honestly love your game, and I intend to recomend it to my friends. The dialogue, art and game mechanics make the game 'interesting' to play. So I just wanted to ask when you plan to release your open beta version?


I have played your game and to be honest I love it. Keep up the good work and cant wait to see how it turns out.


I'm on Alpha 0.42 now. End july will be 0.5 and so on. Not sure when exactly open beta's start yet. Game has to be finished first =) I'll use the beta just for a bugtesting. Thank you for your comment!

Booty Connoisseur

No, thank you! I'm in the middle of exams right now, and games like these are my only solace.


Im here cuz of Akabur, haven't played it yet but looks promising :D. But I must say I hate the name.... It reminds me of sand, so coarse, rough, irritating, and it gets everywhere.


I have dream!