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Howdy folks,

The July update is on its way. Expect it somewhere next weekend. It will have a bunch of new art in it (whoo!) A 'very' beautiful title screen done by the talented Junelets, some outfits and 'maybe' the buttjob scene if I have time.

Now I'm sort of on the fence and I would like to know what you guys think.
Would you rather have monthly updates with buggy test versions, or would you prefer updates more spaced out with less bugs? Just curious, let me know what you think.

See you in a week!



i prefer more updates then we can help with more obscure bugs that may have been missef


More updates are better, even if the content is more sparse; helps find bugs a bit more rapidly.


I personally prefer more space in between updates. Thanks way there should be less bugs on releases and more content to experience. I like playing games in extended periods than short bursts.


I'd say do whatever helps your work the most. If regular feedback would be useful, do monthly. If putting out monthly updates would eat into your time too much, don't bother. Strike the right balance for your workflow.


I always prefer things sooner than later, but it isn't a big deal. Like parcel said, if releasing monthly eats into your schedule more then do whatever you feel like doing.


Abuse us as beta tester... not like tripple a studeos dont do it ...


you can keep the updates once a month. Only bug I found in last version is : "back to title screen when you choose "right" in the Explore the ship event " Also, naked Twi'lek character appeared briefly, when I was traveling to gun down Rakghouls. Which is kind of a "good" bug. :D


You're welcome. So, I played further yesterday, and found more bugs. I forgot what they were, but nothing game breaking, had just 1 Ren'py error screen, 1 "ignore" later and game was fine. So I still stand with "once a month" update. Also, more general comments about your game : I don't know who makes the art and how many people work on it, but I think the ones making the dialogue art and the backgrounds art did a better job than those who made the sex scenes art. Dialogue and background look more professional overall. However, writing is good, gameplay manages to be creative even with a big inspiration from other good games. So, an excellent surprise. Just wish the guy who made dialogue character art also made the sex scenes (which are not awful at all, by any means, but the characters are looking very different each scene and it looks like pictures in a Slavemaker type-of-game : random R34 material from a specific character but from various artists.) Anyway I'm waiting for next update. I just like to nitpick a lot.


I find the monthly update idea a good thing, for we can be your beta testers. As long as we provide proper bug reports with detail of what is happening, it can support the game in more than us just being Patreons. Also after reaching the point where the list of options for seeing how Asoka's skills are is "sex" after a certain point the handjob feature when selected, just goes to getting ready for bed, as if it was done without the scene.


Figure I'd let you know my two cents, monthly with bugs would be fine, but polished with more material is my preference. Also only bug I noticed from 0.3 was that at a certain point in the story instead of the handjob scene it'll just immediately make you go to bed.

Voodoo Monkey

I'm getting the same error too. I noticed it happens after I level up past a specific point.


Absolutely loves the game so far. Keep up the good work ;)