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Well, it's been a struggle getting this one written. I'm not sure why but this particular chapter saw a lot of rework. First I went with the original story and it wasn't really where I wanted it. Tried to change it up a few times and I eventually wound up here.

I hope you enjoy it. It may not be the exact same story I wrote ages ago back on Fictionmania and TGStorytime, but I'm happy with where it's going.

There is one chapter left of this tale, and it will be my big comic for July, then I will get back to the other stories of mine that I've been neglecting.

I'm really excited to wrap this up now that I know exactly what I want to do with it for the modern me. I've even worked a little ahead on this one scene that's coming out spectacularly and I can't wait to share it with you guys.

In the meantime you can read the full story here or by downloading the attached PDF files.

I'm not sure if I'll get this next little thing (not Witchy) out before July, as I only have three more days after today, but something small, fun, and interactive is coming up soon. It's not F&F which I will touch back on next month, but it's something a little less story and a little more smut. Details soon!

Cheers and thank you all for your support. I really hope you enjoy this chapter.
<3 Kara 



Larry Talbot

It's here! Yea! It's like Christmas in July! (Well, ALMOST July...)

Larry Talbot

And thanks for expanding it to three (soon to be four) chapters! It's a great story and I love the new direction it's going - with them slowly accepting and maybe liking (?) their new fate? It's still a revenge story but maybe one that turns into a happy ending (acceptance and loving their new lives) maybe? I know this is stretching things but having Cori (new spelling) and Pauline even reconcile and Cori thanking her. I know, that's really taking a 180.


I really need to find time to read your original stories... This was a fun piece - especially part with Corey's mom :D ...and dad being alive - something good came out of this :)


great story so far. I can see 2 ending. one good and one bad

Fox Face

Well worth the wait Kara! Love the inclusion where we get to see Cori grapple with being pregnant, and Dave not being able to help himself loving it. Sad we're only going to te one more part, but I'm very keen to see Cori full preggo in maternity outfits. Would love to see her go into labor!


This is hitting all the right notes, Kara. Bravo!




WOW, that's one way for Cori not to experience all the pain of womanhood but feel another kind of pain. Love the metaverse references.

Fox Face

Keen to see where this goes for the finale. Is it the plan for August?

Fox Face

Wow, you're an absolute gun! Can't wait to see it, especially since Cori will be grappling with being further along and presumably having to face Pauline again.


Oh, my mistake. It's still the plan for July. I'm blonde, forgive me for reading comprehension. Also, I want to say that I love your written stories, assuming you're the author of the same name over on TGStorytime. :) Truly inspirational.

Fox Face

Oh wow, that's high praise coming from the master, thank you very much Kara! I got my start thanks to inspiration from authors such as yourself. Thank you.


Is chapter 4 coming out today? Sorry to be annoying, Im recovering from surgery and have been looking forward to this more than anything.


Definitely not the full thing, but I may split it into two updates like I did for BMFR